Douglas Landblom
1041 State Ave
Dickinson, ND 58601
BS 68’) and MS (72’) degrees, Animal Science, Montana State University
My professional career has focused on research with swine nutrition and management and more recently adaptive beef cattle production management, nutrition, and integrated systems. Interspersed between these major endeavors is investigations related to growing horse nutrition. Systems research has/is investigating the potential for capturing greater value from bull purchase genetics through retained ownership from conception to final harvest as fat cattle. The five principles of soil health include livestock grazing as a mechanism for increasing soil organic matter. Integrating beef production into a diverse multi-crop rotation combined with plant diversity have combined to increase soil organic matter and reduce reliance on commercial fertilizer application. Grazing a combination of native range prior to annual forage grazing have combined to extend the grazing season and delay feedlot entry. Delayed feedlot entry reduces the number of days on feed by 62.4% and increased profitability from finishing. Using research results from yearling steer retained ownership, current research is using the integrated crop-livestock concept for heifer development by comparing the economics of a single timed artificial insemination of grazing heifers with no cleanup bulls to a traditional system in which the heifers are managed in drylot for timed AI and cleanup bulls are used on pasture after the AI breeding season has been completed. All non-pregnant heifers in the integrated grazing system become stocker cattle and finished for slaughter in a delayed feedlot entry protocol. Project goal: Determine net return and profitability from the two systems.
Publications –
Senturklu, S., Douglas Landblom, Steven Paisley, Cheryl Wachenheim, and Robert Maddock. 2021. Frame score, grazing and delayed feedlot entry effect on performance and economics of beef steers from small- and large-framed cows in an integrated crop-livestock system. Animals 11:3270.
Feng, H. X., G. O. Abagandura, S. Senturklu, D. Landblom, L. Lai, K. Ringwall, and S. Kumar. 2020. Soil quality indicators as influenced by five-year diversified and monoculture cropping systems. J. Agricultural Science. J. Agric. Sci. 158:594-605.
Abagandura, G. S. Şentürklü, Navdeep Singh, Sandeep Kumar, Douglas G. Landblom, Kris Ringwall, 2019. Impacts of crop rotational diversity and grazing under integrated crop-livestock system on soil surface greenhouse gas fluxes, PLOS ONE 14(5):1-18. journal. pone.0217069
Sandeep Kumar, Heidi Sieverding, Liming Lai, Nleya Thandiwe, Brian Wienhold, Daren Redfearn, David Archer, David Ussiri, Derek Faust, Douglas Landblom, Elaine Grings, James J. Stone, Jeffrey Jacquet, Krishna Pokharel, Mark Liebig, Marty Schmer, Peter Sexton, Rob Mitchell, Scott Smalley, Shannon Osborne, Shaukat Ali, Songül Şentürklü, Sunish Sehgal, Vance Owens, and Virginia Jin, 2019. Facilitating Crop–Livestock Reintegration in the Northern Great Plains. Agronomy J., Vol.:111, Issue 5:1–16. http://doi:10.2134/agronj2018.07.0441
Senturklu, Songul, Douglas G. Landblom, Robert Maddock, Tim Petry, Cheryl J. Wachenheim, and Steve Paisley. 2018. Effect of yearling steer sequence grazing of perennial and annual forages in an integrated crop and livestock system on grazing performance, delayed feedlot entry, finishing performance, carcass measurements, and systems economics. J. Anim. Sci., Vol. 96 (6):2204-2218.
Brenton Nesemeier, Abel B. Ekiri, Douglas Landblom, Dawn Doetkott, Margaret L. Khaitsa. 2015. Prevalence and Antimicrobial Resistance of Salmonella enterica Isolated from Beef Cows and Feedlot
Steers from Post-weaning to Slaughter. Food Prot. Trends. Vol. 35, No.4, Pages 280-289.
Johnson, P., K. Olson, R. N. Gates, H. H. Patterson, M. Hubert, D. G. Landblom, J. Kincheloe, H. Richter, and A. Grove. 2015. Early weaning reduces rangeland herbage disappearance. Crop, Forage & Turfgrass Management, July, (Open Access).
Senturklu, S. and D. G. Landblom. 2015. Effect of field pea replacement for oats on palatability, feeding safety, and growth performance in yearling American Quarter horses. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg, 21(4):447-454.
Senturklu, S., D. G. Landblom, G. A. Perry, and T. Petry. 2015. Effect of frame score on growth, fertility, and economics. Asian Australa. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 28(1):69-78.
Senturklu, Songul and Douglas Landblom. 2015. The Effect of Field Pea Replacement in Starch- and Fiber Based Calf Weaning Transition Diets Subsequent Effect on Feedlot Finishing Performance, Carcass Quality and net Return. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg, 21(2): 253-258.
Senturklu, Songul and Douglas Landblom. 2014. The Effect of Post-Weaning Steer Diets Supplemented
With Field Pea, Flaxseed and a Field Pea-Flaxseed Combination on Feedlot Finishing Performance, Carcass Quality and Immune Response. Kafkas Univ Yet Fak Derg, 20(2): 295-300.
Senturklu, Songul, Douglas Landblom, Cheryl Wachenheim and Timothy Petry. 2014. Using Phosphorylated Mannan Oligosaccharide and Fibrolytic Enzyme as Natural Feed Additive Substitutes for Growth-Enhancing Technologies in Sustainable Beef Production. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg, 20(3): 405-410.
Senturklu, S., D. G. Landblom, K. Koch, and G. A. Perry. 2014. Hay Substitution with a Field Pea-Based Blended RDP-RUP Compound Supplement Fed Daily or On Alternate Days to Gestating-Lactating Beef Cows. Bul. J. Agric. Sci. 20(4):933-942.
Senturklu, S. and D. G. Landblom. 2014. Estimating the Supplement Intake, Hay Replacement Value, and economics of a Corn Distiller's Grain Lick-Tub Supplement When Fed to Pre-and Post-Calving Beef Cows. Maced. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 4 (l): 15-22.
Ekiri, Abel B., Douglas Landblom, Dawn Doetkott, Susan Olet, Weilin L. Shelver, and Margaret L.
Khaitsa. 2014. Isolation and characterization of shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli serogroups 026,
045, 0103, 0111, 0113, 0121, 0145, and 0157 shed from range and feedlot cattle from postweaning to slaughter. J. Food Prot. Vol. 77 (7): 1052-1061.
Fausti, S.W., D.G. Landblom, M.A. Beutler, P. Johnson, R. Gates, H. Patterson, and R. Salverson. 2007.
The effect of early vs. normal calf weaning on feedlot performance and herd management: a northern plains case study. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics. Vol. 39, No. 2, p. 414.
Fausti, S.W., B.A. Qasmi, D.G. Landblom, M.A. Beutler, P. Johnson, R. Gates, H. Patterson, and R.
Salverson. 2007. Public Price Reporting, Market Channel Selection, and Price Discovery: The Perspectives of Cow/Calf Producers in the Dakotas. Journal of Agribusiness, Vol. 25, No. 1, pp. 59-76.
Fausti, S.W., D.G. Landblom, P.S. Johnson, M.K. Beutler, R.N. Gates, R.R. Salverson, and H.H. Patterson. 2006. The effect of early versus normal calf weaning on feedlot performance and herd management: A northern plains case study. J. Am. Soc. Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers Vol. 70, No. 1: 128-132.
Landblom, D.G., G.P. Lardy, R. Fast, C.J. Wachenheim, and T.A. Petry. 2006. Effect of hay feeding
methods on cow performance, hay waste, and wintering cost. The Prof. Anim. Sci. Vol. 3:246-252.
Lamb, C., J. E. Larson, T. W. Geary, J. S. Stevenson, S. K. Johnson, M. L. Day, R. P. Ansotegui, D. J.
Kesler, J. M. DeJarnette, and D. G. Landblom. 2004. Synchronization of estrus and artificial insemination in replacement beef heifers using gonadotropin-releasing hormone, prostaglandin F2, and progesterone. J Anim. Sci. 2006 84: 3000-3009.
Soto-Navarro, S.A., G.J. Williams, M.L. Bauer, G.P. Lardy, D.G. Landblom, and J.S. Caton., 2004. Effect of field pea replacement level on intake and digestion in beef steers fed by-product-based medium concentrate diets. J. Anim. Sci. 82: 1855-1862.
Gelvin, A.A., G.P. Lardy, S.A. Soto-Navarro, D.G. Landblom, and J.S. Caton. 2004. Effect of field pea based creep feed on intake, digestibility, ruminal fermentation, and performance by nursing calves grazing native range in western No1th Dakota. J. Anim. Sci. 82:3589-3599.
Invited Speaker Presentations, Café Discussion Groups, And On-Farm Field Talks:
Dunn County Workshop, “Using Expected Progeny Difference (EPD) for Beef Production”, February 1, 2022
Educational Session, “Using Expected Progeny Difference (EPD) for Beef Production”, presented at Glendive Agriculture and Trade Expo, Glendive, MT, February 11, 2022
NDSU Spring Conference Presentation (Virtual – Zoom), “Grazing and Delayed Feedlot Entry Effects on Small-Frame Steer Economics” February 23, 2022
Hettinger County Ag Improvement Livestock Meeting, “Water Quality”, New England, ND, USA. January 8, 2021.
Dirt Workshop guest speaker hosted by NDSU Soil Health Specialist, Abby Wick. ND, USA. January 19, 2021.
Golden Valley Ag Improvement Meeting, “Alternative Forage Cover Crop Presentation. Golden Valley County, ND, USA. February 5, 2021
American Breeder Service Producer Meeting, Harding County Timed AI Producer Participation Meeting, Buffalo, SD, USA. February 15, 2021.
American Breeder Service, Timed AI Heifer Synchronization Meeting, Golden Valley County, ND, USA. February 23, 2021
Forage Workshop – “Cover Crop Mixes for Haying and Grazing”, Dickinson Research Extension Center, August 25, 2021
Renville County Soil Conservation District, “Field Talks 2020”, held at the Jeff Aalund Farm, Mohall, ND, September 29, 2020.
Northern Plains Sustainable Agriculture Society’s food and farming 2020 Conference: NCR-SARE Farmers Forum presentation session “Livestock as a Soil Health Partner”, January 24, 2020, Holiday Inn, Fargo, ND.
Mountrail County Livestock and Soil Health Workshop, “Integrated Crop/Livestock Systems Impact on Soil Health”, Stanley, ND, February 4, 2020.
Golden Valley County Wheat Commodity and Ag Improvement Annual Meeting - Making Cents in 2020: “Alternative Forages for our Area Demonstration”, Golva, ND, February 26, 2020.
Burke County Ag Improvement Annual Meeting and Ag Show, “Integrating Livestock and Cropland”, Lignite, ND, February 27, 2020.
Divide County SCD, NDSU Extension, Ag Innovation Group Soil Health Meeting, “Integrating livestock on cropland, profitability, infrastructure, and effects on soil health”, Crosby, ND, February 28, 2020.
Soil Health and No-Till Workshop, Wall, SD. "Beef Cattle Grazing Synergy and Regenerative Agriculture for the Semi-Arid Region of Western North Dakota". Sponsored by the SD No-Till Association, January 17, 2019.
Hettinger County Crop and Livestock Improvement Association Annual Meeting. New England, ND,
"Calving Date: Advantages and Disadvantages", February 1, 2019.
Mercer County SCD, Golden Valley, ND, “Integrated Systems Synergy and Regenerative Agriculture: Crop grazing and Soil Health”, February 19, 2019.
Renville County SCD, NDSU Extension, and NRCS, “Integrated Systems Synergy and Regenerative Agriculture: Crop grazing and Soil Health”, February 21, 2019.
McKenzie County SCD and NRCS, “Integrated Systems Synergy and Regenerative Agriculture: Crop grazing and Soil Health”, February 22, 2019.
Slope and Bowman County NDSU Extension and Crop/Livestock Improvement Association, Amidon, ND, “Integrated Systems Synergy and Regenerative Agriculture: Crop grazing and Soil Health”, February 27, 2019.
Land Conservation Workshop Sponsored by NRCS and Bird Conservancy of the Rockies, Bison, SD, “Grazing Synergy and Regenerative Agriculture: Crop, Grazing, Microbial Soil Health and GHG Emissions”, February 28, 2019.
NDSU Extension Soil Health & Land Management Series: Grazing Cover Crops and Forages Program, Astoria Hotel, Dickinson, ND, “Multi-Species Forage Mixes for Haying and Grazing”, March 4, 2019.
Mountrail County SCD and Mountrail County Agricultural Agency, Stanley, ND, Winter Feeding Alternatives Program, “Integrated Systems Synergy and Regenerative Agriculture: Crop grazing and Soil Health”, March 12, 2019.
NDSU Extension and the ND Wheat Show, Williston, ND, “Integrated Forages and Cattle into grain Rotations”, March 12, 2019.
NRCS Field Tour at the Dave Porsborg Farm, Center, ND, “Integrated Beef Cattle Grazing into a Multi-Crop Rotation: Effects on Spring Wheat Yield, Soil Physical Properties, and Residue Grazing”, August 2, 2019.
NDSU Extension and Golden Valley SCD, Beach, ND, “Cover Crop Forage Mixes for Haying and Grazing”, Alternative Forage Field Day, August 16 2019.
Legislative Council Meeting, NDSU, Dickinson Research Extension Center, Dickinson, ND, “Integrated System Research, Crop Rotation, Livestock, Integration and Soil Health”, August 19 2019.
NDSU, Dickinson Research Extension Center, Manning, ND, Soil Health Workshop: Regenerative Agriculture, “Carbon, Microbial Processes and Soil Health Indicators”, September 12, 2019.
Harding County NRCS-SCD Conservation Tour at the Terry and Laurie Hafner Ranch, Ludlow, SD, “Cover Crops, Cover Crop Strategies for Forage Production and Grazing”, September 18, 2019.
Mercer County SCD at the Wayne Windhorst Farm, Stanton, ND, Soils for Successful Production: “Cover Crops, Grazing & Haying”, September 23, 2019.
Renville County SCD Field Talks at the Jeff Aaland farm: Cropland Grazing System Demonstration, Mohall, ND, “Cover Crops, Grazing & Infrastructure”, September 24, 2019.
Belfield Marketing Group, Belfield, ND, "Beef grazing synergy between crops, cattle, and soil health",
January 24, 2018.
Midwest Soil Health Summit, Fergus Falls, MN, "Beef grazing synergy between crops, cattle, and soil
health in western North Dakota", February 15, 2018.
Southwestern ND Extension Soil Health and Cover Crop Workshop, Hettinger and Dickinson. "Forage
production for haying and grazing in a multi-crop rotation in western ND", October 21, 2018.
SD Soil Health Coalition - "Integrated systems research: crop, grazing, and microbial soil health indicators", Presented to farmers and ranchers at Blair Bros. Angus Ranch, Sturgis, SD, and the Candice Mizera Ranch, McLaughlin, SD, October 3 and 4, 2018.
DREC Soil Health Workshop (2018) - Healthy Soils & Microbial Processes = Healthy Environment,
Manning, ND. "Integrated systems research and microbial soil health indicators”, September 12, 2018.
Dickinson State University, Farm and Ranch Management Class, "Beef grazing synergy: alternative crops
in beef production", April 2, 2018.
Merit Award:
Soil and Water Conservation Society 2019 Merit Award Presented to the DREC Integrated Systems Research Team - Clare Lindahl, CEO of the Soil and Water Conservation Society said, “Their work will encourage producers within the Dakotas and beyond to adopt regenerative and integrated management practices that can both improve profitability and protect our valuable soil and water natural resources.”
Grant Funding Awards:
USDA/NRCS/MULTI-CCG Conservation Technical Assistance. 2020. Mitigating increasing soil acidity in the Northern Great Plains. ($344,531).
USDA/NIFA/AFRI – Small and Medium-Sized Farms. 2020. Novel merging of heifer reproduction and management system’s efficiencies to expand small and medium-sized farm business profit. ($499,991).
USDA/NIFA/SARE (Carrington RE Center). 2018. Whole system approach to integrated crop/livestock production to enhance soil health and profitability of cropping and livestock systems in the Northern Great Plains. ($199,189/DREC $13,528).
USDA/NIFA/SARE 2016. Effect of long-term integrated crop and livestock systems on forage finishing,
soil fertility, nitrogen mineralization, carbon sequestration, and profitability. $199,997.
USDA/NIFA/SARE 2011. Increasing sustainability of livestock production in the Northern Great Plains.