Journal Articles
Articles written by Agribusiness and Applied Economics faculty that have been published in academic journals.
Hearne, R., & Madrigal-Ballestero, R. 2024. "Surface water quality in Costa Rica: new initiatives and challenges." Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development, 14(11), 1134-1145.
Miljkovic, Dragan. 2024. "Preemptive Patenting, Secondary Patents, and the Persistence of Monopoly", Managerial and Decision Economics, 45(4): 2329-2534.
Vatsa, Puneet, Tatjana Miljkovic, and Dragan Miljkovic. 2024. "Price discovery redux—Analyzing energy spot and futures prices using a dynamic programming approach." Energy Economics, 140: 107965.
Miljkovic, Dragan, Puneet Vatsa, and Frayne Olson. 2024. "An Investigation of the Price Discovery Role of Futures Markets: A Dynamic Time Warping Analysis of the United States Corn Markets," Agribusiness: An International Journal, In Press. On-line:
Ofosu-Kwabe, K, SH Lim, and N Malalgoda. 2024. "Does Fare-free Transit Increase Labor-force Participation and Reduce Income Inequality?" Journal of Public Transportation 26, 100095. [I.F.: 2.0].
Golkar, B, SH Lim, and F Karanki. 2024. "The Effect of United States Commercial Airport Rate–Setting Methods on Airport Bond Ratings." Managerial Finance. [I.F.: 1.9].
Adom, E., J.T. Biermacher, B.W. Brorsen, S. Interrante, D.M. Lambert, and T.J. Butler. 2024. "Economic Comparison of Stocker Cattle Performance on Winter Wheat vs Summer-Dormant Tall Fescue with Nitrogen or Interseeded Alfalfa in the Southern Great Plains.” Translational Animal Science, 8, 2024, txae154,
Undi, M., J.T. Biermacher, T. Long, and K. Sedivec. 2024. "Economic Potential of Field Peas as an Alternative to Corn Distillers Dried Grain with Solubles (DDGS) in Beef Heifer Diets." Applied Animal Science, 40: 591-597.
Sestak, J., J.T. Biermacher, B. Wade Brorsen, and J.K. Rogers. 2024." Economic Assessment of Using Bermudagrass Stockpiling and Annual Cereal Pasture to Extend the Grazing Season in Cow-Calf Operations." Translational Animal Science, 8, 2024, txae067,
Wachenheim, C., and Hanson, E. 2024. "Adopting Precision Input Management: A Teaching Case Study. Applied Economics Teaching Resources."
Wilson, William W., Prithviraj Lakkakula, and David W. Bullock. 2024." Implications of the Russian Invasion on the Logistical Competition for Corn Shipments from the United States and Ukraine", Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 49(1): 162-184. doi: 10.22004/AG.ECON.337556.
Bullock, David W., William W. Wilson, and Ryan Thompson (M.S. Student). 2024. "Non-Grade Quality Factor Influence on Origin Soybean Basis: Evidence from North Dakota," Journal of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association. 3: 228-241. doi: 10.1002/jaa2.110.
Bullock, David W. and William W. Wilson. 2024. "Managing Risk in Commodity Processing Using Formula Pricing Contracts: An Application to Ethanol," Agribusiness: An International Journal. doi: 10.1002/agr.21942.
Gammans, M., Mérel, P., & Ortiz‐Bobea, A. 2024. "Double cropping as an adaptation to climate change in the United States." American Journal of Agricultural Economics. Contributing author (idea conceptualization, coding, inference, writing)
Mérel, P., Paroissien, E., & Gammans, M. 2024. "Sufficient statistics for climate change counterfactuals." Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 124, 102940.
Krumel Jr, T. P. & Adorkor, E. 2024. "Did the rural health infrastructure breakdown during the pandemic? Evidence from the 2020 meatpacking plant COVID-19 outbreaks" (Revisions requested with Applied Economics).
Krumel Jr, T. P. & Hogenson, H. 2024. "Distribution of Paycheck Protection Program Funding During the COVID-19 Pandemic" (Under review with Journal of Policy Analysis and Management).
Toy, D.L., M.J. Anteau, A.T. Pearse, E. DeKeyser, and D.C. Roberts. 2024. "Manipulation of Farmed Wetlands Increases use by Migrating Shorebirds and Ducks." Wetlands 44:86
Badarch, B., D.C. Roberts, and M.P. Popp. 2024. "North Dakota corn efficiency frontier: Stochastic frontier analysis." Crop, Forage & Turfgrass Management 10:2
Qianxia Jiang, Lauren Fitzpatrick, Helena Laroche, Sarah Hampl, Sandro Steinbach, Bethany Forseth, Ann Davis, Chelsea Fairbairn and Jordan Carlson. 2024. "Associations of Neighborhood Food Retail Environments with Weight Status in a Regional Pediatric Health System, Childhood Obesity," first published online.
Cristina Connolly, Marcello Graziano and Sandro Steinbach. 2024. "David versus Goliath? The Impact of Corporate Expansion in the Alcohol Retail Industry on Incumbent Small-Scale Retailers", Journal of Wine Economics, first published online.
Dongin Kim and Sandro Steinbach. 2024. "Rising Protectionism and Foreign Direct Investment," Review of World Economics, first published online.
Soojung Ahn and Sandro Steinbach. 2024. "Assessing the Trade Response to Pandemic-Related Non-Tariff Measures," Applied Economics Letters, first published online.
Sandro Steinbach and Xiting Zhuang. 2024. "U.S. Agricultural Exports and the 2022 Mississippi River Drought," Agribusiness, 41(1): 289-303.
Raghav Goyal, Edouard Mensah and Sandro Steinbach. 2024. "The Interplay of Geopolitics and Agricultural Commodity Prices," Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, 46(4): 1533-1562.
Sandro Steinbach, Yasin Yildirim and Carlos Zurita. 2024. "Potential Implications of Trade Policy Shifts after the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election for the Agri-Food Sector," Food Policy, 129, 102741.
Sandro Steinbach. 2024. "Balancing Environmental Policies and Food Security Goals in the Face of Shifting U.S. Rail Transportation Regulations" Food Policy, 128, 102724.
Raghav Goyal, Sandro Steinbach, Xiting Zhuang and Yasin Yildirim. 2024. :U.S. Agricultural Trade Challenges Amid Climate and Geopolitical Disruptions," Choices, 39(3): 1-7.5.
Titus Awokuse, Sunghun Lim, Fabio Santeramo and Sandro Steinbach. 2024. "Robust Policy Frameworks for Strengthening the Resilience and Sustainability of Agri-Food Global Value Chains," Food Policy, 127, 102714.
Colin A. Carter and Sandro Steinbach. 2024. "Did Grain Futures Prices Overreact to the Russia-Ukraine War Due to Herding?" Journal of Commodity Markets, 35: 100422.
Dongin Kim and Sandro Steinbach. 2024. "The Linder Hypothesis for Foreign Direct Investment Revisited," Review of International Economics, 32(4): 1901-1928.
Sandro Steinbach and Yasin Yildirim. 2024. "Agricultural Commodity Market Response to Russia's Withdrawal from the Grain Deal," Journal of Agricultural Economics, 75(3): 1004-1016.
William Nganje and Sandro Steinbach. 2024. "Policy Options for Managing Avian Influenza in Dairy Cows," Food Policy, 128, 102691.
Sandro Steinbach and Yasin Yildirim. 2024. "Grain Futures Market Response to the Black Sea Grain Initiative," German Journal of Agricultural Economics, 73(2): 1-22.
Dongin Kim, Sandro Steinbach and Carlos Zurita. 2024. "Deep Trade Agreements and Agri-Food Global Value Chain Integration," Food Policy, 127, 102686.
Stepan Gordeev and Sandro Steinbach. 2024. "Determinants of PTA Design: Insights from Machine Learning," International Economics, 178, 100504.
Sandro Steinbach and Xiting Zhuang. 2024. "Global Container Shipping Disruptions, Pop-Up Ports, and U.S. Agricultural Exports," Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, 46(2): 553-571.
Rigoberto Lopez, Keenan Marchesi and Sandro Steinbach. 2024. "Dollar Store Expansion and Independent Grocery Retailer Contraction," Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, 18(4):514-533.
Lin M, SenGuptaI, Wilson W. 2024. "Estimation of VaR with jump process: Application in corn and soybean markets". Appl Stochastic Models Bus Ind. 40(5):1337-354.doi:10.1002/asmb.2880
Wilson, W. and Bullock, D.W. 2024, N"on-tariff and tariff impediments affecting spatial competition between the United States and Brazil for soybean shipments to China," China Agricultural Economic Review, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. available at Non-tariff and tariff impediments affecting spatial competition between the United States and Brazil for soybean shipments to China | Emerald Insight.
Bullock, D. W., & Wilson, W. W. 2024. "Managing risk in commodity processing using formula pricing contracts: An application to ethanol." Agribusiness,1–23.
Wilson, W. W., & Klebe, J. 2024. "Supply chain risk in grain trading: Inventories as real options for shipping grain." Agribusiness,1–21.
Bullock, Wilson and Thompson. 2024." Impacts of Non-Grade Quality Factors on North Dakota Origin Soybean Basis Values: A Panel Regression Analysis, Journal of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association." Feb 9, 2024. Pp. 228-241.
Wilson, William, P. Lakkakula and D. Bullock. 2024. "Implications of the Russian Invasion on the Logistical Competition for Corn Shipments from the United States and Ukraine," Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 49(1): 162-185.
Kwame Addey and William Nganje. 2024. "Climate policy volatility hinders renewable energy consumption: Evidence from yardstick competition theory," Energy Economics, Vol 130, February 2024, 1007265.
Garrison, G, B.W. Brorsen, J.T. Biermacher, E. DeVuyst, A. Bancroft, and E.M. Whitley. 2023. “What is the Cow-Calf Economics of Genetic Panel Scores for Feedlot Traits?" Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 55,4: 651-669.
Lwin, Wuit Yi, B.W. Brorsen, S. Hannebery, and J.T. Biermacher. 2023. “China’s Demand for Imports of Melons from Vietnam and Myanmar.” Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 6(3): 1861-1872.
Panyi, A., J.T. Biermacher, B.W. Brorsen, R. Reuter., and J.K. Rogers. 2023. “Economics of No-tilling Winter Cereal Pasture for Growing Beef Cattle in Oklahoma.” Agronomy Journal, 115: 833-843.
Sestak, J., J.T. Biermacher, B. Wade Brorsen, and J.K. Rogers. 2023. “Profitability of Grazing No-till Established Winter Small Grain Pasture and Summer Cover Crops on Water-Limited Cropland Acres.” Agronomy Journal, 115: 1295-1307.
Kamrud, Gwen (M.S. Student), William W. Wilson, and David W. Bullock. 2023. “Logistics Competition Between the U.S. and Brazil for Soybean Shipments to China: An Optimized Monte Carlo Simulation Approach”, Journal of Commodity Markets, 31: 100290, doi: 10.1016/j.jcomm.2022.100290.
Miljkovic, Dragan and Puneet Vatsa. 2023. "On the Linkages between Energy and Agricultural Commodity Prices: A Dynamic Time Warping Analysis." International Review of Financial Analysis (2023), 90: 102834.
Vatsa, Puneet, Dragan Miljkovic, and Jungho Baek. 2023. “On the Linkages between Natural Gas, Fertilizer, and Crop Prices,” Journal of Agricultural Economics (2023), 74(3): 935-940. DOI: 10.1111/1477-9552.12532
Barnor, Kodjo,* James Caton,** and Dragan Miljkovic. 2023. “The Role of Funding on Research and Science: The Impact of Glyphosate Herbicides on Health and the Environment,” Journal of Policy Modeling (2023), 45(1): 103-120.
Miljkovic, Dragan and Cole Goetz*. 2023. “Futures Markets and Price Stabilization: An Analysis of the US Soybeans Markets," Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics (2023), 67(1): 104-117. DOI: 10.1111/1467-8489.12504
Miljkovic, Dragan and Frayne Olson**. 2023. “The Impacts of Futures Markets on Commodity Prices In(Stability) and Resulting Implications on Social Welfare,” Choices (2023), Quarter 1. Available online:…
Paniagua, P. & Rayamajhee, V. 2023. "On the nature and structure of externalities." Public Choice, forthcoming. DOI link:
Rayamajhee, V., March, R., & *Clark, C. 2023. "Shock me like a hurricane: How Hurricane Katrina changed Louisiana’s formal and informal institutions." Journal of Institutional Economics, forthcoming. DOI link:
Yonk, R., Bakula, R., March, R., & Rayamajhee, V. 2023. "Max-U? Considering Humanomics in Public Policy." Public Choice, forthcoming. DOI link: Not available (yet)
Guo, W., Rayamajhee, V., & Bohara, A.K. 2023. "Impacts of climate change on food utilization in Nepal." Review of Development Economics, 27 (1), 630-659. DOI link:
Murtazashvili, Rayamajhee, V., Taylor, K. 2023. "The tragedy of the nurdles: Governing global externalities." Sustainability, 15(9), 7031.DOI link:
Lawson-body, A., Jackson, J., Hinsz, V., Illia, A., & Lawson-body, L. 2023. "Cybersecurity and Social Media Networks for Donations: An Empirical Investigation of Triad of Trust, Commitment, and Loyalty." Journal of Organizational and End User Computing (JOEUC), 35(1), 1-26. DOI: 10.4018/JOEUC.332062
2. Jackson, J., & Beaulier, S. 2023. "Economic freedom and philanthropy." Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 214, 148-183.
Crawford, E & Jackson, J. 2023, “Understanding the role of personality, loyalty, satisfaction, and word-of-mouth advertising among college students”, Proceedings of the 2023 Conference of the American Academy of Advertising, pp. 11-25.
Malalgoda, N and SH Lim. 2023. "Online Shopping, Brick-and-Mortar Retailers and Transit Ridership in the U.S. Research in Transportation Economics 102, 101358. [IF: 3.8 / 5-year IF: 3.7.]
Karanki, F and SH Lim. 2023. The Role of U.S. Airports' Attributes in the Output Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Stochastic Frontier Analysis with the Difference in-Differences Method. Transportation Research Record. Forthcoming. [IF: 1.7 / 5-year IF: 1.9.]
Lawson, K and Hall, J. 2023. “Who Should Be Behind the Wheel? A Study of Oregon’s Measure 88” Economics Bulletin. Forthcoming
Lawson, K. 2023. “Using Property Rights to Fight Crime: The Khaya Lam Project” Journal of Economics and Finance. 47(2): 269-302.
Caton, James. 2023. “Crisis and Credit Allocation: The Effect of Ideology on Monetary Policy during the Great Depression and Great Recession.” The Independent Review 23 (3):
Krumel, T., A. J. Staples. 2023. "The Paycheck Protection Program and small business performance: Evidence from craft breweries." Small Business Economics.
Krumel, T., C. Goodrich. 2023. "Meatpacking working conditions and the spread of COVID-19," Applied Economics
Krumel, T., C. Goodrich, N. Fiala. 2023. "Labour demand in the time of post-COVID-19," Applied Economics Letter
Steinbach, S., I published 13 peer-reviewed articles in top _eld and general interest journals
Wilson, W.W., Shakya, S., "Quantifying impacts of competition and demand on the risk for fertilizer plant locations," Journal of Commodity Markets 30 (2023), doi: ISSN 2405-8513,
Idruzu and William W Wilson, 2023. "Revenue maximization and pricing: an ethanol supply chain and logistical strategy perspectives" DOI : 10.1057/s41272-023-00422-041272_IJournal of Revenue and Pricing Management
Idowu, A.*, Wachenheim, C., Hanson, E., and Sickler, A. 2023. “The Disposition of Data from Precision Agricultural Technologies: What Do Young Agriculturalists Think?." Technology in Society, 102389.
Jahan, M.*, Wachenheim, C., Hanson, E., Sun, X., and Parman, B. 2023. “Returns to Zone Management Under Varying Conditions.” Journal of the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers, 129-139.
3. Wachenheim, C. J., Idowu, A.*, and Hanson, E. 2023. “Student Feedback on Use of Breakout Rooms.” NACTA Journal, 67: 117-123.
Wachenheim, C., Parman, B., Idowu, A.*, and Hanson, E. 2023. “Data: What Farmers Need to Know.” Choices, 38(1): 1-5.
Garrison, G, J.T. Biermacher, and B.W. Brorsen. 2022. “How much will large-scale production of cell-based meat cost?” Journal of Agriculture and Food Research, 10: 100358.
Chen, Y., B.W. Brorsen, J.T. Biermacher, and M. Taylor. 2022. “Spatially Varying Wheat Protein Premiums.” Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences
Lwin, Wuit Yi, B.W. Brorsen, S. Hannebery, and J.T. Biermacher. “China’s Demand for Imports of Melons from Vietnam and Myanmar.” (Forthcoming, Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences)
Sestak, J., J.T. Biermacher, B. Wade Brorsen, and J.K. Rogers. 2022. “Profitability of Grazing No-till Established Winter Small Grain Pasture and Summer Cover Crops on Water-Limited Cropland Acres.” (Agronomy Journal, Forthcoming).
Lakkakula, P., D.W. Bullock, and W.W. Wilson. 2022. “Asymmetric Information and Blockchains in Soybean Commodity Markets”, Applied Economics Perspectives and Policy, vol 44, pp. 273-298, doi:10.1002/aepp.13159.
Wilson, W.W., L. Vetsch, and D.W. Bullock. 2022. “Valuing an Agricultural Technology Startup Using Real Options”, Agribusiness: An International Journal, vol 38, pp. 771-785, doi:10.1002/agr.21744.
Kamrud, G., W.W. Wilson, and D.W. Bullock, “Logistics Competition Between the U.S. and Brazil for Soybean Shipments to China: An Optimized Monte Carlo Simulation Approach” forthcoming in Journal of Commodity Markets, doi: 10.1016/j.jcomm.2022.100290.
Lakkakula, P., D.W. Bullock, and W.W. Wilson. “Russia-Ukraine Conflict and the Global Food Grain Price Analysis”, forthcoming in Choices.
Caton, James (Ed.). 2022 Economics of Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies: A Transaction Costs Revolution. Edward Elgar.
Barnor, Kodjo, Caton, James, and Miljkovic, Dragan. 2022. “Scientific Research and the Impact of Glyphosate Based Herbicides on Human and Animal Health and the Environment.” Policy Modeling.
Caton, James and Cameron Harwick. 2022. “Cryptocurrency, Decentralized Finance, and the Evolution of Exchange: A Transactions Costs Approach.” Journal of New Finance 2 (4).
Dean, James, and Vincent Geloso. "Economic freedom improves income mobility: evidence from Canadian provinces, 1982–2018." Journal of Institutional Economics 18.5 (2022): 807-826.
Hanson, E., Cossette, M., and Roberts, D. 2022. "The Adoption and Usage of Precision Agriculture Technologies in North Dakota." Technology in Society.
Hanson, E., Wachenheim, C.J. 2022. "Predicting Performance in an Introductory Agricultural Finance Course." NACTA Journal 66: 71-77.
Hearne R. “Cooperative Federalism and The Clean Water Act Implementation in Minnesota and North Dakota” Journal of Natural Resource Policy Research. 10(1), 1-21.
Elizabeth Crawford and Jeremy Jackson (Forthcoming), “Understanding the role of personality, loyalty, satisfaction, and word-of-mouth advertising among college students,” Proceedings of the American Academy of Advertising
Staples A.J.,^ & Krumel Jr, T. P. 2022. "The Paycheck Protection Program & Small Business Performance: Evidence from Craft Breweries." Small Business Economics (forthcoming).
Krumel Jr, T. P., & Goodrich, C. 2022. "Meatpacking Working Conditions and the Spread of COVID-19." Applied Economics. DOI: 10.1080/00036846.2022.2117776
Krumel Jr, T. P., Goodrich, C., Sun, R., & Fiala, N. 2022. "Linking Employment and Death: Measuring the Structural Disparity in COVID-19 Deaths for Non-telework Essential Workers." The BE Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, 22(4), 715-738.
Dobis, E., Krumel Jr, T. P., & Sanders, A. 2022. "Persistently Poor Rural Counties Experienced Lower Employment Impacts From the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic but Have Higher Cumulative COVID-19 Case Rates." Amber Waves: The Economics of Food, Farming, Natural Resources, and Rural America, 2022(1490-2022-472).
Addey K.A. & Nganje W. 2022. "The role of the U.S. exchange-rate equity market volatility on agricultural exports and forecasts." Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics. Doi:
Lin, T, Z Lin, SH Lim, X Jia and X Chu. 2022. "A Spatial Agent-Based Model for Hydraulic Fracturing Water Distribution." Frontiers in Environmental Science, 10:1025559. DOI: 10.3389/fenvs.2022.1025559. 2021 IF: 5.411
Lim, SH and C Wachenheim. 2022. "Predicted Enrollment in Alternative Attribute Conservation Reserve Program Contracts." Land Use Policy, 117 (2022), 106090.• 2021 IF: 6.189
Parman, Bryon, “Returns to Zone Management Under Varying Conditions” with Jahan Moshina, Cheryl Wachenheim, Erik Hanson, Xin Sun published in the Journal of the ASFMRA 2023
Guo,W., Rayamajhee, V., & Bohara, A.K. 2023. "Impacts of Climate Change on Food Utilization in Nepal." Review of Development Economics, 27 (1), 630-659.
March, R., Rayamajhee, V., & Furton, G. 2022. "Cloudy with a Chance of Munchies: Assessing the Impact of Recreational Marijuana Legalization on Obesity." Health Economics, 31 (12), 2609-2629.
Rayamajhee, V. &, Paniagua, P. 2022. "Coproduction and the Crafting of Cognitive Institutions during the COVID-19 Pandemic." Journal of Institutional Economics,18(6), 961-967.
Paniagua, P. & Rayamajhee, V. 2022. "A polycentric approach for pandemic governance: Nested externalities and co-production challenges." Journal of Institutional Economics,18(4), 537-552.
Rayamajhee, V., Storr, V.H., & Bohara, A.K. 2022. "Social entrepreneurship, co-production and post-disaster recovery." Disasters, 46(1), 27-55. Top cited article of the calendar year 2020/2021
Shahid, M.A., Rayamajhee, V. ,& Bohara, A.K.2 022. "Does social capital help in post-disaster recovery? Evidence from the Gorkha earthquake of Nepal." International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 82(1), 1-14.
Rayamajhee, V., Guo, W., & Bohara, A.K. 2022. "Perception of climate change and the demand for weather-Index microinsurance: Evidence from a contingent valuation survey in Nepal." Climate and Development, 14 (6), 557-570.
Cossette, M.K., E.D Hanson, and D.C. Roberts. 2022. “The Adoption and Usage of Precision Agriculture Technologies in North Dakota.” Technology in Society 71(1):102087.
Qianyu Zhu, Zhongyao Lyu, La Long, and Cheryl J. Wachenheim (corresponding author). 2022. "Adoption of Mobile Banking in Rural China: Impact of Information Dissemination Channel." Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 83, 101011,
Shantanu Awasthi*, Indranil SenGupta, William Wilson and Prithviraj Lakkakula. 2022. “Machine learning and neural network-based model predictions of soybean export shares from US Gulf to China", Statistical Analysis and Data Mining Manuscript ID SAM-22-037.R2 Stat Anal Data Min: The ASA Data Sci Journal. 1–1 DOI: 10.1002/sam.11595
William Nganje and Prince Fosu, “Risks and risk Premiuns of GE Corn: A Macromarketing Framework,” Ecological Economics, Vol 201, Nov 2022.
Heidi Schweizer, Sandro Steinbach and Xiting Zhuang. “A Portrait of Firms that Trade in Meat Products," Western Economics Forum, 20(2): 6 { 18.
Colin. A Carter, Sandro Steinbach and Xiting Zhuang. "Supply Chain Disruptions and Containerized Agricultural Exports from California Ports," Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy (rst published online).
Coman Emil, Sandro Steinbach and Gufeng Cao. “Spatial Perspectives in Family Health Research," Family Practice, 39(3): 556 { 562.
Soojung Ahn and Sandro Steinbach. “The Impact of COVID-19 Trade Measures on Agricultural and Food Trade," Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy (first published online).
Sandro Steinbach. “Port Congestion, Container Shortages, and U.S. Foreign Trade," Economics Letters, 213: 110392.
Sandro Steinbach and Xiting Zhuang. “The Impact of Maritime Shipping Disruptions on U.S. Tree Nut Exports and Inventories,” Agribusiness.
Miljkovic, Dragan and Cole Goetz: “Futures Markets and Price Stabilization: An Analysis of the US Soybeans Markets," Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics (accepted for publication on December 21, 2022).
Miljkovic, Dragan and Frayne Olson: “The Impacts of Futures Markets on Commodity Prices In(Stability) and Resulting Implications on Social Welfare,” Choices (accepted for publication on October 3, 2022).
Emiliano Lopez Barrera, and Dragan Miljkovic: “The Link between the Two Epidemics Provides an Opportunity to Remedy Obesity while Dealing with Covid-19,” Journal of Policy Modeling (2022), 44(2): 280-297.
Vatsa, Puneet, and Dragan Miljkovic: "Energy and Crop Price Cycles Before and After the Global Financial Crisis: A New Approach." Journal of Agricultural Economics (2022), 73(1): 220-233.
Sandro Steinbach. “The Russia-Ukraine War and Global Trade Reallocations," Economics Letters, accepted.
Sandro Steinbach and Xiting Zhuang. “The Impact of Maritime Shipping Disruptions on U.S. Tree Nut Exports and Inventories," Agribusiness, accepted.
Qianxia Jiang, Debarchana Ghosh, Sandro Steinbach and Kristen Cooksey Stowers. “An Empirical Assessment of Racial and Ethnic Inequities in Food Environment Exposure and Retail Market Concentration," Public Health Nutrition, accepted.
Soojung Ahn and Sandro Steinbach. “Agri-Food Trade Resilience among Food-Deficit Countries during the COVID-19 Pandemic," International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, accepted.
Soojung Ahn, Dongin Kim and Sandro Steinbach. “The Impact of the Russian Invasion of Ukraine on Grain and Oilseed Trade," Agribusiness, 39: 291 { 299.
Bullock, D.W. 2021. “The Influence of State-Level Production Outcomes upon U.S. National Corn and Soybean Production: A Novel Application of Correlated Component Regression.” Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 53(1):55–74.
Bullock, D.W., W.W. Wilson, and J. Neadeau. 2021. “Gene Editing Versus Genetic Modification in the Research and Development of New Crop Traits: An Economic Comparison.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 103(5):1700–1719.
Lakkakula, P., D.W. Bullock, and W.W. Wilson. 2021. “Asymmetric Information and Blockchains in Soybean Commodity Markets”, forthcoming in Applied Economics Perspectives and Policy, doi:10.1002/aepp.13159. Note: will be published in February 2022.
Shoshi, H., Hanson, E., Nganje, W., and SenGupta, I. 2021. "Stochastic Analysis and Neural Network Based Yield Prediction with Precision Agriculture." Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 14(397).
Hearne R. “Cooperative Federalism and The Clean Water Act Implementation in Minnesota and North Dakota” Journal of Natural Resource Policy Research. 10(1), 1-21.
Taylor FioRito, Clay Routledge, and Jeremy Jackson (Forthcoming), “Meaning motivated community action: The need for meaning and prosocial goals and behavior," Personality and Individual Differences
Krumel Jr, T. P., Goodrich, C. & Fiala, N. “Labour demand in the time of post-COVID-19.” Applied Economics Letters. DOI: 10.1080/13504851.2021.1985067
Lakkakula, P., and Schmitz, A. (2021). “Obesity: Distributional Effects of Sweetener Taxes”. Journal of Public Health: From Theory to Practice. DOI: 10.1007/s10389-021-01563-5
Lakkakula, P., Bullock, D., and Wilson, W. (2021). “Asymmetric Information and Blockchain in Soybean Commodity Markets”. Applied Economics Perspectives and Policy. DOI: 10.1002/aepp.13159
Lakkakula, P., and Wilson, W. (2021). “Origin and Export Basis Interdependencies in
Soybeans: A Panel Data Analysis”. Journal of Agricultural Resource Economics 46(1): 69-84. DOI: 10.22004/ag.econ.302464
Lawson, K. 2021. “The Lasting Impact of NCAA Sanctions: SMU and the Death Penalty” Journal of Sports Economics 22(8): 946-981.
Lim, SH, Y Ge, JM Jacobs and X Jia. 2022." Measuring the Economic Benefits of Advanced Technology Use for River Flood Forecasting." Journal of Flood Risk Management, e12781.
Karanki, F, SH Lim. 2021. "Rate-setting Methods and U.S. Airport Aeronautical Charge differential: An Oaxaca Decomposition." Research in Transportation Business and Management. In Press.
Karanki, F, SH Lim. 2021. "Airport Use Agreements and Cost Efficiency of U.S. Airports." Transport Policy 114, 68-77.
Malalgoda, N and SH Lim. 2021. "Productivity Growth of Urban Transit Agencies in the U.S." International Journal of Public Administration. DOI: 10.1080/01900692.2021.1956949.
Miljkovic, Dragan, and Alex Winter-Nelson 2021. “Measuring Postharvest Loss Inequality: Method and Possible Applications,” Agricultural Systems (2021), 186: 102984.
Goetz, Cole, Dragan Miljkovic, and Nikita Barabanov: “New Empirical Evidence in Support of the Theory of Price Volatility of Storable Commodities under Rational Expectations in Spot and Futures Markets,” Energy Economics (2021), 100: 105375.
Santeramo, Fabio Gaetano, Dragan Miljkovic, and Emilia Lamonaca. 2021. "Agri-Food Trade and Climate Change." Economia Agro-Alimentare / Food Economy (2021), 23(1): 1-18.
Vatsa, Puneet, and Dragan Miljkovic. 2021. "Energy and Crop Price Cycles Before and After the Global Financial Crisis: A New Approach." Journal of Agricultural Economics (2021), available on-line since July 28, 2021
Nganje, William E., Linda D. Burbidge, Elisha K. Denkyirah, and Elvis M. Ndembe. "Predicting Food-Safety Risk and Determining Cost-Effective Risk Reduction Strategies." Journal of Risk and Financial Management. 14:408, 2021.
Shoshi, Humayra, Erik Hanson, William Nganje, and Indranil SenGupta. 2021. "Stochastic Analysis and Neural Network-Based Yield Prediction with Precision Agriculture." Journal of Risk and Financial Management. 14: 397, 2021
Indranil SenGupta, William Nganje and Erik Hanson. 2021. “Refinements of Barndorff-Nielsen and Shephard model: an analysis of crude oil price with machine learning” Annals of Data Science, Springer, vol. 8(1), pages 39-55, 2021.
Alston, J., P. Pardey, and X. Rao. 2021. “Payoffs to a Half Century of CGIAR Research." American Journal of Agricultural Economics (SCI/SSCI)
Alston, J.M., P.G. Pardey, and X. Rao. 2021. “Rekindling the Slow Magic of Agricultural R&D: A Cost-Effective Way to Sustainably Reduce Persistent Food Poverty." Issues in Science and Technology. May 3, 2021. (SCI/SSCI)
Rayamajhee, V., & Paniagua, P. 2022. "Coproduction and the Crafting of Cognitive Institutions." Journal of Institutional Economics, forthcoming.
Paniagua, P., & Rayamajhee, V. 2021. "A polycentric approach for pandemic governance: nested externalities and co-production challenges." Journal of Institutional Economics, 1-16.
Rayamajhee, V., Guo, W., & Bohara, A. K. 2021. "The impact of climate change on rice production in Nepal." Economics of Disasters and Climate Change, 5(1), 111-134.
Rayamajhee, V., & Paniagua, P. 2021. "The Ostroms and the contestable nature of goods: beyond taxonomies and toward institutional polycentricity." Journal of Institutional Economics, 17(1), 71-89.
Rayamajhee, V., Storr, V. H., & Bohara, A. K. 2022. "Social entrepreneurship, co‐production, and post‐disaster recovery." Disasters, 46(1), 27-55. [was accepted and published online in 2020]
Rayamajhee, V., Paniagua, P., & Shrestha, S. 2021. "Governing nested externalities during a pandemic: social distancing as a co-production problem." Cosmos and Taxis, 9(5+6), 64-80.
Rayamajhee, V., Guo, W., & Bohara, A. K. 2021. "The perception of climate change and the demand for weather-index microinsurance: evidence from a contingent valuation survey in Nepal." Climate and Development, 1-14.
Rayamajhee, V., & Bohara, A. K. 2021. "Social capital, trust, and collective action in post-earthquake Nepal." Natural Hazards, 105(2), 1491-1519.
Nahar, N., Pandey, R., Pourhashem, G., Ripplinger, D., & Pryor, S. W. 2021. "Life Cycle Perspectives of Using Non-Pelleted vs. Pelleted Corn Stover in a Cellulosic Biorefinery." Energies, 14(9), 2518.
Şentürklü, S., Landblom, D., Paisley, S., Wachenheim, C., and Maddock, R. 2021. "Frame Score, Grazing and Delayed Feedlot Entry Effect on Performance and Economics of Beef Steers from Small- and Large-Framed Cows in an Integrated Crop-Livestock System". Animals 2021, 11(11), 3270; (SSCI)
Wachenheim, Cheryl. "Situated learning: Food safety among Chinese food vendors." 2021. Journal of Food Science Education.
Qianyu Zhu, Zhongyao Lyu, La Long, and Cheryl J. Wachenheim. 2021. "Adoption of Mobile Banking in Rural China: Impact of Information Dissemination Channel." Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, (SSCI)
Cheryl Wachenheim, Linfeng Fan, and Shi Zheng. 2021. "Adoption of unmanned aerial vehicles for pesticide application: role of social network, resource endowment and perceptions." Technology in Society 64,101470, (SSCI)
Wilson, William and Jesse Klebbe, 2021. "Commodity procurement as contingent claims: Capturing risk and real options in flour milling," AgriBusiness, Volume37, Issue2 Spring 2021 Pages 348-370.
Iddruzu, Wilson, Skadberg, 2021. "Optimal hedging in a processing environment: A case of ethanol production" Int. J. of Revenue Management. Submission code: IJRM-61048 Accepted April 6, 2021.
Awudu, I., William Wilson, Mahdi Fathi, Khalid Bachkar, Bruce Dahl, Adolf Acquaye, 2021. “Application of Big Data Copula-Based Clustering for Hedging in Renewable Energy Systems,” International Journal of Revenue Management 4 4 2020 Accepted May 6, 2020.
Bullock, D.W. and W.W. Wilson. 2020. Factors Influencing the Gulf and Pacific Northwest Soybean Basis: An Exploratory Statistical Analysis. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 45(2): 317-334, doi:10.22004/ag.econ.302457.
Caton, James. 2020. “The Evolution of Hayek’s Thought on Gold and Monetary Standards.” Southern Economic Journal 82 (1):
Caton, James. 2020. Moral Community and Moral Order: Buchanan’s Multilevel Social Contract Theory. Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 13 (2):
Caton, James. 2020. Cryptoliquidity: The Blockchain and Monetary Stability. Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy 9 (2):
Caton, James and Lopez, Edward. 2020. The Cognitive Dimension of Institutions. in UFM Companion: Douglass North:
Geloso, Vincent, Raymond March. 2020. Rent-Seeking for Madness: The Political Economy of Mental Asylums in the US, 1870 to 1910. Public Choice.
Getacher, T., X. Rao, and A.O. Lansink. 2020. A Dynamic By-production Framework to Examine Inefficiency Specific to Corporate Social Responsibility. European Journal of Operational Research 287: 1170-1179.
Hanson, E. 2020. Consolidation in the Farm Credit System: The Case of AgCountry and United. Applied Economics Teaching Resources.
Hanson, E, Boland, M. 2020. Safety Climate at Agricultural Cooperatives. Journal of Safety Research.
Hanson, E., Wachenheim, C.J. 2020. Adapting to the Non-Traditional Classroom: Lessons Learned from Agribusiness and Applied Economics Classes. Applied Economics Teaching Resources.
Hanson, E., Wachenheim, C.J. 2020. Industry Expectations for Beginning Agricultural Lenders. Agricultural Finance Review, 80(4), 549-562.
Hanson, E., Larsen, R. 2020. Educating Future Agricultural Lenders in the Farm Credit Fellows Program. NACTA Journal.….
Harwick, Cameron and James Caton. 2020. What's Holding Back Blockchain Finance? On the Possibility of Decentralized Autonomous Finance. Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, Available Online:
Jackson, Jeremy 2020. Presidential congruence and happiness: the role of extreme political views. Applied Economics Letters, vol. 27, n 5, pp. 387-391.
Karanki, F, SH Lim and B-J Choi. 2020. The Determinants of Aeronautical Charges of U.S. Airports: A Spatial Analysis. Journal of Air Transport Management. 86 (2020). DOI:
Karanki, F and SH Lim. 2020. The Effects of Use Agreements on Airport Efficiency. Journal of Air Transport Management. 84. DOI: 10.1016/j.jairtraman.2020.101767.
Kiesel K., Zuo, N., Plakias, Z.T., Pena-Levano, L.M., Barkley, A., Lacy, K., Hanson, E., and Treme, J. 2020. Enhancing Student Engagement in a Changing Academic Environment-Tested Innovations for Traditional Classes and Online Teaching. Applied Economics Teaching Resources, 1(2). DOI: 10.22004/ag.econ.303904
Lakkakula, P., D.W. Bullock, and W.W. Wilson. 2020. Blockchain Technology in International Commodity Trading, Journal of Private Enterprise, 35(2): 23-46.
Leonard, Tammy, Xi Yang, and Lei Zhang. 2020. The Impact of Land Use Regulation Across the Conditional Distribution of Home Prices: An Application of Quantile Regression for Group Level Treatments, The Annals of Regional Science. DOI
Leonard, Tammy, Xi Yang, Lei Zhang, and Connor Reed. 2020. Impact of Property Tax Abatement on Employment Growth, Economic Development Quarterly.
Lim, SH and F Karanki. 2020. Airport Use Agreement Types and Input and Output Slacks: The Case of U.S. Airports. Research in Transportation Economics. (Forthcoming). DOI:
Lin, Z, SH Lim, T Lin and M Borders. 2020. Using Agent-Based Modeling for Water Resources Management in the Bakken Region. Journal of Water Resources Planning and
Management 146(1). DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)WR.19(435) 452-0001147.
Mao, J., Qianyu, Z., Wachenheim, C.J., Hanson, E. (2020). A Credit Scoring Model for Farmer Lending Decisions in Rural China. International Journal of Agricultural Management, 8(4): 134-141.
March, Raymond. 2020. Flatten the Bureaucracy, Deregulation and Covid-19 Testing. The Independent Review.
March, Raymond. 2020. The FDA and Covid-19: a Political Economy Perspective- Revise and Resubmit at Southern Economic Journal.
Miljkovic, Dragan, and Alex Winter-Nelson. 2020. Measuring postharvest loss inequality: Method and applications. Agricultural Systems, Received 27 July 2020, Revised 16 October 2020, Accepted 20 October 2020, Available online 26 October 2020.
Miljkovic, Dragan. 2020. Nonconvex consumer preferences, compulsive eating, and food addiction. British Food Journal, Vol. 123 No. 1, pp. 355-371.
Miljkovic, Dragan and Cole Goetz. 2020 Destabilizing Role of Futures Markets on North American Hard Red Spring Wheat Spot Prices. Agricultural Economics. 51(6): 887-897.
Miljkovic, Dragan and Cole Goetz. 2020. The Effects of Futures Markets on Oil Spot Price Volatility in Regional US Markets. Applied Energy. 273: 115288.
Mosley, Jeffrey C., Joseph Fidel, Harold E. Hunter, Peter O. Husby, Charles E. Kay, John G. Mundinger, and Ryan M. Yonk. A Response to Keigley 2019 Rangelands. An Ecological Assessment of the Northern Yellowstone Range: Introduction to the Special Issue. Rangelands. January 2019. 40(6):173—176.
Murphy, Ryan, Meg Tuszynski, and Jeremy Jackson. 2020. Some Dynamics of Socioeconomic Relationships: Well-Being, Social Capital, Economic Freedom, 5 Economic Growth, and Entrepreneurship. American Journal of Entrepreneurship, vol. 13, pp 4-44.
Nahar, N., Pandey, R., Pourhashem, G., Ripplinger, D., and S. Pryor. Life Cycle Perspectives of Using Non-pelleted vs. Pelleted Corn Stover in a Cellulosic Biorefinery. Energies. Submitted.
Parman, Bryon J. & Allen M Featherstone. A Nonparametric Approach to Multi-product and Product-specific Scale Economies, Economies of Scope, and Cost Efficiency for Kansas Farm”. Target JARE, Submission Projected Fall 2021
Rao, X., T.M. Hurley, and P.G. Pardey. 2020. Recalibrating the Reported Returns to Agricultural R&D: What if we All Heeded Griliches? Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics. 64: 977-1001.
Rayamajhee, V., & Bohara, A. K. 2020. Social capital, trust, and collective action in postearthquake Nepal. Natural Hazards, 1-29. DOI
Rayamajhee, V., Bohara, A. K., & Storr, V. H. 2020. Ex-Post Coping Responses and Post-Disaster Resilience: a Case from the 2015 Nepal Earthquake. Economics of Disasters and
Climate Change, 1-25. DOI
Rayamajhee, V., Guo, W., & Bohara, A. K. 2020. The Impact of Climate Change on Rice Production in Nepal. Economics of Disasters and Climate Change, 1-24. DOI: 10.1007/s41885-020-00079-8.
Rayamajhee, V., & Paniagua, P. 2020. The Ostroms and the contestable nature of goods: beyond taxonomies and toward institutional polycentricity. Journal of Institutional Economics, 1-
19. 17(1), 71-89.
Rayamajhee, V., Storr, V. H., & Bohara, A. K. 2020. Social entrepreneurship, co‐production, and post‐disaster recovery. Disasters.
Rayamajhee, V., Shrestha, S., & Paniagua, P. 2020. Governing nested externalities during a pandemic: social distancing as a coproduction problem. Cosmos+Taxis.….
Ripplinger, D. and W. Alderholt. 2020. The Four Industrial Revolution – Implications for Agribusiness. Western Economics Forum. Submitted.
Sharma, Anupa, Jason Grant, and Kathryn Boys. 2020. Truly Preferential Treatment? Reconsidering the Generalized System of (Trade) Preferences with Competing Suppliers. Journal of Agricultural Economics.
Starr, J., J. Zhang, J.S. Reid, and D.C. Roberts. 2020. Albedo Impacts of Changing Agricultural Practices in the United States through Space-Borne Analysis. Remote Sensing 12(18): 2887.
Wachenheim, Cheryl, Linfeng Fan, and Shi Zheng. 2021. Adoption of unmanned aerial vehicles for pesticide application: role of social network, resource endowment and perceptions. Technology in Society 64.
Wickramage, H. M., Roberts, D. C., & Hearne, R. R. 2020. Water Allocation Using the Bankruptcy Model: A Case Study of the Missouri River. Water, 12(3).
Yonk, Ryan. 2019. Rural Broadband Adoption: Exploring Utah’s Broadband Adoption: Factors Associated with Broadband Adoption in Utah. The International Journal of Rural and Regional Planning Development. Telecommunications Policy, 31(6/7), 359–373. doi:10.1016/j.telpol.
Yonk, Ryan, Jordan Lofthouse. 2020. Manufactured Yellowstone: Political Management of an American Icon: Institutions and Incentives in Yellowstone Management. May 2020, International Journal of Geoheritage and Parks.
Zhang, Lei, and Tammy Leonard. 2020. External Validity of Hedonic Price Estimates: Heterogeneity in the Price Discount Associated with having Black and Hispanic Neighbors, Journal of Regional Science.
.Zhu, Qianyu, Zhongyao Lyu, La Long, and Cheryl J. Wachenheim. 2020. Adoption of Mobile Banking in Rural China: Impact of Information Dissemination Channel. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences.
William Nganje and Kwame Addey. Health Uninsurance in Rural America: A Partial Equilibrium Analysis, Health Economics Review, Http://, (2019): 9-19.
Sakouvogui Kekoura and Nganje William. “Robust CAPM Estimation through Cross Validation.” The Journal of Financial Data Science, (2):153-167, 2019.
Jeremy Jackson and Jason Smith (2019), “Experimental Use Licensing with Non-drastic Innovation” Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, vol. 44, n 1, pp 1-15.
Elizabeth Crawford and Jeremy Jackson (2019) “Philanthropy in the Millennial Age: trends toward polycentric personalized philanthropy”, The Independent Review, vol. 23, n 4, pp. 551-568.
Jeremy Jackson (2019), “Happy Partisans and Extreme Political Views: the impact of national versus local representation on well-being”, European Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 58, pp. 192-202.
Jeremy Horpedahl, Jeremy Jackson and David Mitchell (2019), “Is Economic Freedom the Hidden Path to Social Justice?.” The Journal of Private Enterprise, vol. 34, n 4, pp. 55-74.
Ryan Murphy, Meg Tuszynski, and Jeremy Jackson (Forthcoming), “Some Dynamics of Socioeconomic Relationships: Well-Being, Social Capital, Economic Freedom, Economic Growth, and Entrepreneurship," American Journal of Entrepreneurship Jeremy Jackson (Forthcoming), “Presidential congruence and happiness: the role of extreme political views," Applied Economics Letters
Ryan Yonk Human Influences on the Northern Yellowstone Range. Rangelands. January 2019. (With Jeff Mosely and Peter Husby)
Ryan Yonk An Ecological Assessment of the Northern Yellowstone Range: A Synthesis and Call to Action. Rangelands. January 2019 (With Joseph Fidel, Harold Hunter, Peter Husby, Charles Kay, John Mundinger)
Ryan Yonk An Ecological Assessment of the Northern Yellowstone Range: Introduction to the Special Issue. Rangelands. January 2019 (With Joseph Fidel, Harold Hunter, Peter Husby, Charles Kay, John Mundinger)
Ryan Yonk “Exploring Impacts of the Surface Mine Reclamation and Control Act” Resources. Feb 2019 (With Joshua Smith and Arthur Wardle)
Ryan Yonk Do US counties benefit from wilderness designation? Examining local government revenue and county expenditures” Journal of Management Economics and Trade. Feb 2019 (With, Josh Smith, and Sarah Reale)
Ryan Yonk “Rural Broadband Adoption: Exploring Utah’s Broadband Adoption: Factors Associated with Broadband Adoption in Utah” The International Journal of Rural and Regional Planning Development.
Ryan Yonk “A Response to Keigley 2019” Rangelands. (With Jeff Mosley and Peter Husby)
Miljkovic, Dragan, Miguel Gomez, Anupa Sharma, and Sergio Puerto: "Testing the Alchian-Allen Theorem for Three Goods Using the Poisson Pseudo Maximum Likelihood Estimation," Agricultural Economics (2019), 50(6): 793-802.
Miljkovic, Dragan and Jungho Baek: “Monetary Impacts and Overshooting of Coal Prices in a Closed Economy,” Mineral Economics (2019), 32(3): 317-322.
Miljkovic, Dragan and Miguel Gomez: “Shipping the Good Coffee Out: The Alchian-Allen Theorem and Relative Demand for Brazilian Arabica and Robusta Coffees,” European Review of Agricultural Economics (2019), 46(4): 697-712.
Sharma, Anupa, Kathryn Boys, and Jason Grant. ``The Bright Side of the Generalized System of (Trade) Preferences: Lessons from Agricultural Trade.'' Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 44, no. 1 (2019): 32-61.
Machunda, Z. B. (2019). Review of The Economics of Contemporary Latin America, by BEATRIZ ARMENDÁRIZ AND FELIPE LARRAÍN B. Journal of Economic Insight, 45 (2), pp. 92-95 Link:
Machunda, Z. B. (2019). Review of The World Trading System: Trends and Challenges, by Jagdish N. Bhagwati, Pravin Krishna and Arvind Panagariya (Eds.). Journal of Economic Insight, 45 (2), pp. 95-98 Link:
Liang Peng and Lei Zhang. House Prices and Systematic Risk: Evidence from Micro Data. Real Estate Economics. Journal impact factor: 1.76. 2019
Tammy Leonard, Xi Yang, Lei Zhang, Connor Reed, Schuyler Rougeau, Impact of Property Tax Abatement on Employment Growth, Forthcoming at Economic Development Quarterly Journal impact factor: 0.78.
Lei Zhang, and Tammy Leonard, External Validity of Hedonic Price Estimates: Heterogeneity in the Price Discount Associated with having Black and Hispanic Neighbors, Conditionally accepted at Journal of Regional Science. Journal impact factor: 1.94.
Caton, James. (2019). “Cryptoliquidity: The Blockchain and Monetary Stability.” Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy:
Caton, James. (2019). “Creativity in a Theory of Entrepreneurship” Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy: 442-469,
Caton, James and Lopez, Edward. (2019) “The Cognitive Dimension of Institutions” in UFM Companion: Douglass North (Accepted November 2018; Forthcoming)
Caton, James. (2019). “Book Review: American Default: The Untold Story of FDR.” The Independent Review, Forthcoming.
Wachenheim, C., S. Lim, D. Roberts, and J. Devney. 2019. Landowner valuation of a working wetlands program in the Prairie Pothole Region. Agricultural Economics 50(4), pp. 465-478.
Qin, Ming, Cheryl Joy Wachenheim, Zhigang Wang, and Shi Zheng. 2019. Factors Affecting Chinese Farmers’ Microcredit Participation. Agricultural Finance Review 79(1), pp. 48-59.
Zheng, Shi, Zhigang Wang, and Cheryl Joy Wachenheim. 2019. Technology adoption among farmers in Jilin Province, China: The case of aerial pesticide application. China Agricultural Economic Review 11(1), pp. 206-216.
Karanki, F. and SH Lim. 2020. The Effect of Use Agreements on Airport Efficiency. Journal of Air Transport Management. Forthcoming.
Lin, Z., SH Lim, T Lin and M Borders. 2020. Using Agent-Based Modeling for Water Resources Management in the Bakken Region. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 146(1). DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)WR.19435452.0001147.
Malalgoda, N. and SH Lim. 2019. Do Transportation Network Companies Reduce Public Transit Use in the U.S.? Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 130(2019): 351-372.
Zhou, D., Z. Lin and SH Lim. 2019. Spatial Characteristics and Risk Factor Identification for Land Use Spatial Conflicts in a Rapid Urbanization Region in China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 191:677.
Rao, X., and Y. Zhang. 2019. “Agricultural Insurance, Moral Hazard and Farmers Decisions – A Field Experiment on Hog Farms in China.” Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance.
Rao, X. T.M. Hurley, and P.G. Pardey. 2019. “Are Agricultural R&D Returns Declining and Development Dependent?” World Development 122: 27-37.
Rao, X. 2019. “Land Fragmentation with Double Dividends – The Case of Tanzanian Agriculture.” European Review of Agricultural Economics 46(4): 609-935.
Lakkakula, P. and Schmitz, A. (2019). US sweeteners: Combating excess consumption with an excise tax? Agricultural Economics 50(5), pp. DOI: 10.1111/agec.12508.
March, Ray Gordon Tullock Meets Phineas Gage: The Political Economy of Lobotomies in the United States- Research Policy (High impact, First Author)
March, Ray Fighting on Christmas: Brawling and Self Governance in Rural Peru- Journal of Institutional Economics (High impact, coauthor)
March, Ray Do SNAP Recipients Get the Best Prices?- Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics (First author)
Hanson, E., Boland, M. (2019). Occupational Health and Safety Issues at Agribusiness Retailers. Applied Economics Teaching Resources, 1(1), 52-59.
Rayamajhee, V., & Bohara, A.K. (2019). Do voluntary associations reduce hunger? An empirical exploration of the social capital - food security nexus among food impoverished households in western Nepal. Food Security, 11 (2), 405-415. 3.
Rayamajhee, V., & Bohara, A.K. (2019). Natural disaster damages and their link to coping strategy choices: Field survey findings from post-earthquake Nepal. Journal of International Development, 31 (4), 336-343.
van der Goes, D., Edwardson, N., Rayamajhee, V., Hollis,C.,& Hunter, D. (2019). An Iron Triangle ROI Model for Healthcare. ClinicoEconomics and Outcomes Research,11, 335-348. 2.
Bullock, D.W. and W.W. Wilson, “Factors Influencing the Gulf and Pacific Northwest Soybean Basis: An Exploratory Statistical Analysis,” forthcoming in the Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics.
De Laporte, A., and D. Ripplinger. Economic viability of perennial grass biomass feedstock in northern climates. Industrial Crops and Products. 128, 213-220.
De Laporte, A., and D. Ripplinger. The effects of site selection, opportunity costs and transportation costs on bioethanol production. Renewable Energy. 13,73-78.
Shaik, S., and J. Atwood. 2019. A Comparative Study of Alternative Approaches to Estimate Productivity", Journal of Quantitative Economics,, Published: 30 November 2019.
Addey, K. A., S. Shaik., and K. Sakouvogui. 2019. Comparative Sectoral Price Elasticities of U.S. Energy Demand published in Cogent Economics and Finance.
Bai, Junfei, James Seale Jr, and Thomas Wahl, 2020. “Meat demand in China: to include or not to include meat away from home?” Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 64(1), 150-170, doi:10.1111/1467-8489.12362.
Thomas I Wahl & James L Seale Jr & Junfei Bai, 2019. "Chinese Urban Consumer's Perception of Food-Safety Indicators," Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research, Biomedical Research Network+, LLC, vol. 19(3), pages 14288-14366, July. DOI: 10.26717/BJSTR.2019.19.003309
Wang, Y., Wahl, T., Seale, J. and Bai, J., 2019. “The Effect of China’s Family Structure on Household Nutrition”. Food and Nutrition Sciences, 10, 198-206. doi: 10.4236/fns.2019.102015.
Yuan, M., Seale Jr, J., Wahl, T. and Bai, J., 2019. "The changing dietary patterns and health issues in China", China Agricultural Economic Review, Vol. 11 No. 1, pp. 143-159.
Lakkakula, P., D. Bullock and W. Wilson, 2019. “Blockchain Technology in International Commodity Trading,” Journal of Private Enterprise. Ms. No. JPENTERPRISE-D-19-00014. Resubmitted Aug 5 2019Ref.: Accepted Dec 18, 2019.
Wilson, W. Using Real Options to Estimate the Pre-commercialization Value of a Drought Tolerant Wheat Trait to the Journal of Commercial Biotechnology, resubmitted 12/5/ 2019 n Accepted 12 7
Wynn K, Spangenberg G, Smith K, and Wilson W. (2017) Valuing genetically modified traits in canola using real options. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 42(2): 195-214.
Wynn K, Spangenberg G, Smith K, and Wilson W. (2018) Valuing new traits in crops using real options: the case of drought tolerant wheat in Australia, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 30(12): 1470-1482.
Wynn K, Spangenberg G, Smith K, and Wilson W. (2019) Valuing transgenic drought tolerant canola using real options. Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 28(3): 279-295
William Wilson, William Nganje, Indranil SenGupta, Semere Gebresilasie. Barndorff-Nielsen and Shephard Model for Hedging Energy with Quantity Risk, High Frequency, Accepted Nov 18 2019. 2019:00. Pp. 1-13.
David Bullock and William W Wilson Factors Influencing the Gulf and Pacific Northwest (PNW) Soybean Export Basis: An Exploratory Statistical Analysis, to the JARE May 27 2019 accepted Nov 12 2019
William, W., Dahl, B., Hertsgaard, D., Soybean Quality Differentials, Blending, Testing and Spatial Arbitrage, Journal of Commodity Markets,
McGee, G., C. Cowger, A. Friskop, J. Ransom, W. Wilson “Estimated Statistical Relationship between Fusarium Infested (Scab) Barley, Quality and Associated Determinants,” Agriculture. 2019 (9) Accepted July 10 2019
Gregory, E., Xia L., B. Parman, Keith Coble. “Green Acres: A Study of Cropland Values in Mississippi” Journal of the ASFMRA, Submitted August 2019 Accepted November 2019
Parman, B., Allen Featherstone. “A Comparison of Parametric and Nonparametric Estimation Methods for Cost Frontiers and Economic Measures.” Journal of Applied Economics, 1(2019): 59-84.
Akono, H. and W. Nganje. 2018 Investors' Expectations of Equity for Ngcs and Llcs and Implications on Financial Performance. International Journal of Business and Social Science. Vol. 9 Number 2 February.
Baek, J. and D. Miljkovic: “Monetary Policy and Overshooting of Oil Prices in an Open Economy,” Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance (2018), 70: 1-5.
Caton, J. "Creativity in a Theory of Entrepreneurship", Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy.
De Laporte, A. V., Ripplinger, D. G. "Economic viability of energy beets (Beta vulgaris) as advanced biofuel feedstocks".Industrial Crops and Products 111, 254-260
Hanson, E. D.,Sherrick, B. J. and Kuethe, T. H. "The Changing Roles of Urban Influence and Agricultural Productivity in Farmland Price Determination." Land Economics 94, No. 2 (2018): 199-205.
Jackson, J., E. Crawford, and A. Pritchard (2018), “Student Satisfaction With Major: the role of personality”, The Empirical Economics Letters, vol. 17, n 7, pp. 885-891.
Lakkakula, P. (2018). "Potential Impact of Sweetener Input Tax on Public Health". Applied Health Economics and Health Policy. DOI: 10.1007/s40258-018-0428-0.
Lakkakula, P. (2018). "Time Series Versus Causal Forecasting: An Application of Artificial Neural Networks". International Conference on Time Series and Forecasting (ITISE).
Lawson-Bid, A., J. Jackson, and L. Willoughby (2018), “Factors Predicting Donor’s Intention to Give: Mediating role of social media presence”, Issues in Information Systems, vol. 19, n 1, pp. 91-97.
Lim, S.H. 2018. "Does Shale Energy Development Mean More Crime? The Case of The Bakken Oil Boom". Growth and Change 49(3): 413-441.
Miljkovic, D., “The Relationship between Individual and Institutional Freedom,” The Open Journal of Political Science (2018), 8(2): 81-94.
Miljkovic, D. and M. Gomez: “Shipping the Good Coffee Out: The Alchian-Allen Theorem and Relative Demand for Brazilian Arabica and Robusta Coffees,” European Review of Agricultural Economics (Accepted for Publication on November 30, 2018; In Press).
Miljkovic, T., D. Miljkovic, and K.: “Examining the Impact on Mortality Arising from Climate Change: Important Findings for the Insurance Industry,” European Actuarial Journal (2018), 8(2): 363-381.
Miljkovic, D., S. Miranda, A. Kassouf, and F. Oliveira: “The Impact of Trade Liberalization on Obesity Epidemic in Brazil,” Applied Economics (2018), 50(28): 3076-3088.
Ndembe, E. and J. Bitzan. 2018. Grain Freight Elevator Consolidation, Transportation Demand, and the Growth of Shuttle Facilities. Research in Transportation Economics.
Parman, B. J. and Featherstone, A. M. (2019) "A comparison of parametric and nonparametric estimation methods for cost frontiers and economic measures", Journal of Applied Economics, 22:1, 59-84, DOI: 10.1080/15140326.2018.1526868
Parvez, R., Roberts, D.C., and Ripplinger, D. "A Comprehensive Assessment of Factors Impacting Land Use Conversion Trends." Submitted to Natural Resource Modeling November 2018.
Peng, L. and L. Zhang. House Prices and Systematic Risk: Evidence from Micro Data. Real Estate Economics. Journal impact factor: 1.1. Forthcoming
Pritchard, Andrew, J. Fudge, E. Crawford, and J. Jackson (2018), “Undergraduate Choice of Major and Major Satisfaction: An Expanded Role for Personality Measures”, Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, vol. 28, n 2, pp. 155-174.
Qin, Ming, Cheryl Joy Wachenheim, Zhigang Wang, and Shi Zheng. 2018. Factors affecting Chinese farmers’ microcredit participation. Agricultural Finance Review.
Ripplinger, D. G. Bitzan, J. D.."The cost structure of transit in small urban and rural US communities". Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 117, 176-189
Senturklu, S., D. Landblom, T. Petry, and C. Wachenheim. 2018. "Sequence Grazing of Perennial and Annual Forages in an Integrated Crop and Beef Cattle Production System". Journal of Animal Science, Volume 96, Issue 6, 4 June 2018, Pages 2204-2218,
Sharma, A., K. Boys, and J., "The Bright Side of the Generalized System of (Trade) Preferences: Lessons from Agricultural Trade." Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 44, no. 1835-2019-062 (2019): 32.
Wachenheim, C.J., D.C. Roberts, N. Dhingra, W. Lesch, and J. Devney. 2018. “Conservation Reserve Program enrollment decisions in the Prairie Pothole Region.” Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 73(3):337-352.
Wachenheim, C.J., D.C. Roberts, N.S. Addo, and J. Devney. 2018. “Farmer Preferences for a Working Wetlands Program.” Wetlands 38(5):1005-1015.
Wang, Y., Wahl, T., Seale, J. and Bai, J. (2019) The Effect of China’s Family Structure on Household Nutrition. Food and Nutrition Sciences, 10, 198-206. doi: 10.4236/fns.2019.102015.
Wynn, K., Spangenberg, G., Smith K.F. and W. Wilson. 2018. Valuing GM technologies using real options: the case of drought tolerant wheat in Australia. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management.
Wynn, K., Spangenberg, G., Smith K.F. and W. Wilson. 2018. Valuing transgenic drought tolerant canola using real options. Economics of Innovation and New Technology.
Yuan, M.,Seale Jr., J. L., Wahl, T., Bai, J., (2018) "The changing dietary patterns and health issues in China", China Agricultural Economic Review, doi:10.1108/CAER-12-2017-0254.
Zhang, L., T. Leonard. Flood Hazards Impact on Neighborhood House Prices. Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 2018. Journal impact factor: 1.14.
Zhang, L., and Y. Yi. What Contributes to the Rising House Prices in Beijing? A Decomposition Approach. Journal of Housing Economics. September 2018. Journal impact factor: 1.04.
Zheng, Shi, Zhigang Wang, and Cheryl Wachenheim. 2018. Risk Perceptions and Risk Attitudes among Chinese Consumers: the Toxic Capsule Crisis. Journal of Risk Research. 21(10), pp. 1,184-1,196.
Zhu, Qianyu, Cheryl J. Wachenheim, Zhiyao Ma and Cong Zhu. 2018. Supply Chain Re-engineering: A Case Study of the Tonghui Agricultural Cooperative in Inner Mongolia. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 21(1), pp. 133 – 160.
Wamisho Hossiso, K., A. De Laporte and D. Ripplinger. (2017) The effects of contract mechanism design and risk preferences on biomass supply for ethanol production. Agribusiness: An International Journal, In Press.
De Laporte, A., A. Weersink and D. McKenney. (2016) Effects of supply chain structure and biomass prices on switchgrass and miscanthus production. Applied Energy 183: 1053-1064.
Hearne, R. and F. Fernando. 2016. “Strategies for Community and Industry Water Management in the Oil Producing Region of North Dakota” Water 2016, 8, 331; doi:10.3390/w8080331
Hearne, R. and T. Prato. 2016. “Institutional Evolution of Missouri River Management.” Water Policy. 18 (3) 619-634.
Felix Fernando, F. and R. Hearne. In press. “Housing for Essential Service Workers during an Oil Boom: Opportunities and Policy Implications.” Journal of Housing and the Built Environment. DOI 10.1007/s10901-016-9539-9. Available at Published online November 2016.
Hearne, R. (2017/8 expected) “Water Rights Markets” Chapter 10 in Water Policy in Chile Guillermo Donoso ed. Springer.
Fernando, F., A. Junod, J. Jacquet, R. Hearne, L. Flage (2017/18 expected) “Housing Challenges and Policy Implications of Shale Oil Development in Rural Communities” in Rural Housing and Economic Development. Don Albrecht ed. Routledge
Jeremy Jackson (2016), “Free to Be Happy: Economic Freedom and Happiness in US States.” Journal of Happiness Studies,
Jeremy Jackson, (2016), “Economic freedom and social capital: pooled mean group evidence .” Applied Economics Letters,
Aspen Gorry and Jeremy Jackson (2017), “A Note on the Nonlinear Effect of Minimum Wage Increases.'' Contemporary Economic Policy, vol. 35, n 1, pp. 53-61.
Lakkakula, P., Schmitz, A., & Ripplinger, D. 2015. US Sweetener Demand Analysis: A QUAIDS Model Application. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 41 (3): 533-548.
Park, YS, SH Lim, G Egilmez and J Szmerekovsky. 2016. Environmental Efficiency Assessment of U.S. Transport Sector: A Slack-based Data Envelopment Analysis Approach. Transportation Research Part D: Transportation and Environment. Forthcoming.
Lim, SH and L Zhang. 2016. Does Casino Development Have a Positive Effect on Economic Growth? Growth and Change. Forthcoming.
Lim, SH and P Turner. 2016. Airline Fuel Hedging: Do Hedge Horizon and Contract Maturity Matter? Journal of the Transportation Research Forum 55(1): 29-49.
Miljkovic, Dragan and David Ripplinger: “Labor Market Impacts of U.S. Tight Oil Development: The Case of the Bakken,” Energy Economics (2016), 60: 306-312.
Miljkovic, Dragan, David Ripplinger, and Saleem Shaik: “Impact of Biofuel Policies on the Use of Land and Energy in U.S. Agriculture,” Journal of Policy Modeling (2016), 38(6): 1089-1098.
Miljkovic, Dragan, Nathan Dalbec, and Lei Zhang: “Estimating Dynamics of US Demand for Major Fossil Fuels,” Energy Economics (2016), 55: 284-291.
William Nganje, Dragan Miljkovic, and Daniel Voica: "Food Safety Information, Changes in Risk Perceptions and Offsetting Behavior," Agricultural and Resource Economics Review (2016), 45(1): 1-21.
Babula, Ronald, and Dragan Miljkovic: "A Dynamic Monthly Demand Model of U.S. Slaughtered Pork with a Futures Market Linkage," Applied Economics (2016), 48(26): 2454-2468.
Miljkovic, Dragan, and Nathan Dalbec: “Time-Series Analysis of Price Interrelations in Major U.S. Fossil Fuels Markets,” Energy Studies Review [Accepted for publication on November 24, 2016; In Print].
Miljkovic, Tatjana, Saleem Shaik, and Dragan Miljkovic: “Identifying the Best Probability Distribution for the Body Mass Index from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Data,” Journal of Applied Statistics [Accepted for publication on March 16, 2016; In Print]. Available on-line:
Liogier, Anais, Nikita Barabanov, Dragan Miljkovic, Saleem Shaik, and Silvia Miranda: "Globalization and Obesity: A Dynamic Model," In Emerging Issues in Global International Agricultural Trade and Development, (2016), Dragan Miljkovic (Editor), Nova Science Publishers, Inc, pp. 75-82.
Miljkovic, Dragan (Ed.): “Emerging Issues in Global International Agricultural Trade and Development,” Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, 2016 (ISBN: 978-1-63485-586-0).
Senturklu, S., D. Landblom, R. Maddock, and T. Petry. 2017. Effect of Beef Cattle Frame Score, Forage Grazing Sequence, and Delayed Feedlot Entry on Yearling Steer Grazing and Feedlot Performance, Carcass Trait Measurements, and Systems Economics. Journal of Animal Science, Vol. 93, Suppl. s3/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 98, Suppl. 2.
Bitzan, John D., and David G. Ripplinger. "Public transit and alternative fuels–The costs associated with using biodiesel and CNG in comparison to diesel for US public transit systems." Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 94 (2016): 17-30.
Hossiso, Kassu Wamisho, and David Ripplinger. "Investment, Irreversibility, And Uncertainty In Energy Beet–Based Ethanol." Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 48, no. 4 (2016): 403-429.
Subhashree, Srinivasagan N., C. Igathinathane, Ganesh C. Bora, David Ripplinger, and Leslie Backer. "Optimized location of biomass bales stack for efficient logistics." Biomass and Bioenergy 96 (2017): 130-141.
Chen, Wilson, Larsen and Dahl. 2016. Risk Management for Grain Processors and ‘Copulas, Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 64 (2016) 365-382
Iddrisu, W. Wilson and B. Dahl. (2016) Hedging Strategy for Ethanol Processing with Copula Distributions Energy Economics, November 2014. Ms. Ref. No.: ENEECO-D-14-00939. 57 (2016) 59-65.
Quin, W. Wilson and Luo, 2016. Panama Canal expansion impact on container shipping market: A cooperative game theory approach to the Maritime Policy & Management, Vol 43(2), 209-221.
Wachenheim, C.J. 2016. Slaughterhouse in Southeastern Afghanistan: A Public–Private Partnership. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 19(3), pp. 251-261. (SSCI Journal)
Cheryl Wachenheim and Eric Ahlness. 2017. Experiential Learning for a Combat Deployment. Forthcoming. NACTA Journal.
Wilson, William. 2017 Panama Canal, Panama Canal, For publication in Handbook of International Trade and Transportation. Forthcoming.
Wilson, W. and B. Dahl. 2016. “Potential Economic Impacts of LLP (Low Level Presence) in the Global Wheat Market”, in Jakautzabdibajesm B, m O, Ogukkuosm S, Snttgm abd H, Wessekerm The Coexistence of Genetically Modified, Organic and Conventional Foods. Volume 49 of the series Natural Resource Management and Policy pp 241-256
Carl Anfinson , Thomas I. Wahl , James L. Seale Jr. , Junfei Bai (2016), Factors Affecting Adolescent Obesity in Urban China, in Andrew Schmitz , P. Lynn Kennedy , Troy G. Schmitz (ed.) Food Security in a Food Abundant World (Frontiers of Economics and Globalization, Volume 16) Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp.105 - 114
Tammy Leonard, Nikhil Jha, and Lei Zhang. Neighborhood Price Externalities of Foreclosure Rehabilitation: An Examination of the Neighborhood Stabilization Program. Forthcoming, Empirical Economics.
Lei Zhang, Flood Impact on Neighborhood House Prices: A Spatial Quantile Regression Analysis. Regional Science and Urban Economics, Volume 60: 12-19, September 2016. 1660462163005 40
Lei Zhang, Tammy Leonard and James Murdoch. Time and Distance Heterogeneity in the Neighborhood Spillover Effects of Foreclosed Properties. Housing Studies, Volume 31, Number 2: 133-148, March 2016.
Bai, Junfei, Caiping Zhang, Thomas Wahl, and James Seale Jr. “Dining out, the missing food consumption in China.” Applied Economics Letters 23:15(2016) 1084-1087.
Babula, Ronald, and Dragan Miljkovic: "A Dynamic Monthly Demand Model of U.S. Slaughtered Pork with a Futures Market Linkage," Applied Economics (2016), 48(26): 2454-2468.
De Laporte, A., A. Weersink and D. McKenney. 2016. Effects of supply chain structure and biomass prices on switchgrass and miscanthus production. Applied Energy 183: 1053-1064.
Hearne, R. and F. Fernando. 2016. “Strategies for Community and Industry Water Management in the Oil Producing Region of North Dakota” Water 2016, 8, 331; doi:10.3390/w8080331.
Felix Fernando, F. and R. Hearne. In press. “Housing for Essential Service Workers during an Oil Boom: Opportunities and Policy Implications.” Journal of Housing and the Built Environment. DOI 10.1007/s10901-016-9539-9. Available at Published online November 2016.
Hearne, R. and T. Prato. 2016. “Institutional Evolution of Missouri River Management.” Water Policy. 18 (3) 619-634.
Jeremy Jackson (2016), “Free to Be Happy: Economic Freedom and Happiness in US States.” Journal of Happiness Studies,
Jeremy Jackson, (2016), “Economic freedom and social capital: pooled mean group evidence .” Applied Economics Letters,
Lim, SH and L Zhang. 2016. Does Casino Development Have a Positive Effect on Economic Growth? Growth and Change. Forthcoming.
Lim, SH and P Turner. 2016. Airline Fuel Hedging: Do Hedge Horizon and Contract Maturity Matter? Journal of the Transportation Research Forum 55(1): 29-49.
Miljkovic, Dragan and David Ripplinger: “Labor Market Impacts of U.S. Tight Oil Development: The Case of the Bakken,” Energy Economics (2016), 60: 306-312.
Miljkovic, Dragan, David Ripplinger, and Saleem Shaik: “Impact of Biofuel Policies on the Use of Land and Energy in U.S. Agriculture,” Journal of Policy Modeling (2016), 38(6): 1089-1098
Miljkovic, Dragan, Nathan Dalbec, and Lei Zhang: “Estimating Dynamics of US Demand for Major Fossil Fuels,” Energy Economics (2016), 55: 284-291.
Miljkovic, Dragan, and Nathan Dalbec: “Time-Series Analysis of Price Interrelations in Major U.S. Fossil Fuels Markets,” Energy Studies Review [Accepted for publication on November 24, 2016; In Print].
Miljkovic, Tatjana, Saleem Shaik, and Dragan Miljkovic: “Identifying the Best Probability Distribution for the Body Mass Index from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Data,” Journal of Applied Statistics [Accepted for publication on March 16, 2016; In Print]. Available on-line:
William Nganje, Dragan Miljkovic, and Daniel Voica: "Food Safety Information, Changes in Risk Perceptions and Offsetting Behavior," Agricultural and Resource Economics Review (2016), 45(1): 1-21.
Park, YS, SH Lim, G Egilmez and J Szmerekovsky. 2016. Environmental Efficiency Assessment of U.S. Transport Sector: A Slack-based Data Envelopment Analysis Approach. Transportation Research Part D: Transportation and Environment. Forthcoming.
Qing, Liu, W. Wilson and M. Luo. 2015. Panama Canal expansion impact on container shipping market: A cooperative game theory approach. Maritime Policy & Management. Vol. 43 Issue 2 2016.
Bianchini, Andreia, Richard Horsley, Maia M. Jack, Brent Kobielush, Dojin Ryu, Sheryl Tittlemier, William W. Wilson, Hamed K. Abbas, Susan Abel, Gordon Harrison, J. David Miller, W. Thomas Shier, Glen Weaver. 2015. DON Occurrence in Grains: A North American Perspective, Cereal Foods World. vol. 60 (1), pp 31-56.
Chen, Songjiao, William W. Wilson, Ryan Larsen, Bruce Dahl. 2015. Investing in Agriculture as an Asset Class. Agribusiness An International Journal Vol. 31 (3) 353-371.
Chen, Songjiao, William Wilson, Ryan Larsen and Bruce Dahl. Risk Management for Grain Processors and "Copulas". Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics. 00 (2015) 1-18.
Choi, J., and D.C. Roberts. 2015. How Does the Change of Carbon Dioxide Emissions Affect Transportation Productivity? A Case Study of the US Transportation Sector from 2002 to 2011. Open Journal of Sciences 3:96-106.
Choi, J., D.C. Roberts, and E. Lee. 2015. Forecasting Oil Production in North Dakota using the Seasonal Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (S-ARIMA). Natural Resources. 6:16-26.
Choi, J., D.C. Roberts and E. Lee. 2015. Productivity Growth in the Transportation Industries in the United State: An Application of the DEA Malmquist Productivity Index. American Journal of Operations Research. 5:1-20.
Choi, J.,R.R. Hearne, K. Lee, and D.C. Roberts. 2015. The Relation between Water Pollution and Economic Growth Using the Environmental Kuznets Curve: A Case Study in South Korea. Water International 40(3):499-512.
Coon, RC, NM Hodur, DA Bangsund and SH Lim. 2015. Contributions of Renewable Energy Industries to the Local Economy in North Dakota. Great Plains Research. 15(1): 1-12.
Fan, Lei, William W. Wilson and Bruce Dahl. Stochastic Optimization and Risk Analysis in Port Competition for Container Imports, European Journal of Operational Research. Volume 245, Issue 3, 16 September 2015. pg 743-753.
Hart, J., D. Miljkovic, and S. Shaik. 2015. The Impact of Trade Openness on Technical Efficiency in the Agricultural Sector of the European Union. Applied Economics. 47 (12): 1230-1247.
Hearne, R., S. Shakya, and Q. Yin. 2015. The value of fracking wastewater treatment and recycling technologies in North Dakota. Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination 5(2):211-222.
Jackson, Jeremy and Jason Smith. 2015. A Framework for Non-drastic Innovation with Product Differentiation. Economics Bulletin. vol. 35, n 1, pp. 259-269.
Jackson, Jeremy, Art Carden and Ryan Compton. 2015. Economic Freedom and Social Capital. Applied Economics. vol. 47, n 54, pp. 5853-5867.
Lakkakula, P., B.L. Dixon, M.R. Thomsen, E.J. Wailes, D.M. Danforth. 2015. Global Rice Trade Competitiveness: A Shift-Share Analysis. Agricultural Economics. 46:667-676.
Lakkakula, P., Schmitz, A., & Ripplinger, D. 2015. US Sweetener Demand Analysis: A QUAIDS Model Application. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 41 (3): 533-548
Larsen, Ryan, Leatham, D.J., Sukcharoen, K. Geographical Diversification in Wheat Farming: A Copula-Based CVaR Framework. Agricultural Finance Review, Vol. 75(3), 2015, pp. 442-456.
Leonard, Tammy, Lei Zhang and Christy Hoehner. 2015. Variations in park Amenity Valuations across Neighborhoods. Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy. Volume 8, Issue 1:45-67.
Liu, Haiyan, Thomas I. Wahl, James L. Seale, Jr., and Junfei Bai. Household Composition, Income,and Food-Away-from-Home Consumption in Urban China. Good Policy 51 (2015): 97-103.
Lio, Q. and SH Lim. 2015. Toxic Air Pollution and Container Port Efficiency in the USA. Maritime Economics and Logistics. doi:10.1057/mel.2015.29.
McKee, G.J., K. Froelich. 2016. Determinants of Non-profit Executive Succession Planning. Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics. Forthcoming.
McKee, G.J., Kagan, A. 2015. Determinants of Recent Structural Change for Small Asse tUS Credit Unions. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting. DOI 10.1007/s11156-0520-6. Forthcoming.
McKee, G.J., Md. Daulat Hossain, A. Kagan. 2015. The Differential Impact of the Dodd-Frank Act on Niche Non-Metro Lenders. Journal of Banking Regulation. Forthcoming.
McKee, G.J., Md. Hossain, A. Kagan. 2015. Community Bank Product Design within an Asymmetric Competitive Market: An X-efficiency Approach. International Journal of Bank Marketing. Forthcoming.
Miljkovic, D., S. Shaik, S. Miranda, N. Barabanov, and A. Liogier. 2015. Globalisation and Obesity. The World Economy. 38 (8): 1278-1294.
Min, Shi, Junfei Bai, James Seale, Jr., and Thomas Wahl. Demographics, Societal Aging, and Meat Consumption in China. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 14:6 (2015) 995-1007.
Senturklu, S., D. Landblom, G. Perry, T. Petry. 2015. Effect of Frame Score on Growth, Fertility, and Economics. Asian Australas. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 28(1):69-78.
Shaik, S. 2015. Impact of Liquidity Risk on Variations in Efficiency and Productivity: A Panel Gamma Simulated Maximum Likelihood Estimation. European Journal of Operational Research. 245 (2015), pp. 463-469, DOI information: 10.1016/j.ejor.2015.03.018.
Shaik, S. and S. Bhattacharjee. 2015. Hierarchical Crop Yields Linear Model. Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences.
Skadberg, K., W. Wilson, R. Larsen and B. Dahl. Spatial Competition, Arbitrage, and Risk in U.S. Soybeans (2014-1726) Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics. Sept 2015 40(3): 442-446.
Turner, PA and SH Lim. 2015. Hedging Jet Fuel Price Risk: The Case of U.S. Passenger Airlines. Journal of Air Transport Management. 44-45(2015):54-64.
Wachenheim, C., S. Hovde, R. Hearne, and W. Nganje. 2015. Identifying Market Preferences for High Selenium Beef. Journal of Food Distribution Research. 46(3):50-67.
Wamisho, Kassu, David Ripplinger and Aaron De Laporte. 2015. Costs of joint production of ethanol and industrial sugar juice suing energy beets in the Northern Plains of the United States. Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining. Vol. 9, Iss. 6 pgs. 749-759.
Wilson, William W., Sumadhur Shakya, Bruce Dahl, Dynamic changes in spatial competition for the nitrogen fertilizer industry in the United States. Agricultural Systems 135 (2015) 10-19.
Wilson, William W., Sumadhur Shakya, Bruce Dahl. 2015. Valuing New Random Genetically Modified (GM) Traits: The Case of Drought-Tolerant Wheat. Agricultural Finance Review. Vol. 75 No. 2, 2015 1. pp 213-220.
Zenebe, Addisalem, Kassu Wamisho and E. Wesley F. Peterson. 2015. Journal of International Agricultural Trade and Development. Vol. 9, Iss. 2, pp 165-188.
Zhang, Lei, Tammy Leonard and James Murdoch. Time and Distance Heterogeneity in the Neighborhood Spillover Effects of Foreclosed Properties. Housing Studies. DOI: 10.1080/02673037.2015.1070794.
Lim, SH and Y Hong. 2014. Fuel Hedging and Airline Operating Cost. Journal of Air Transport Management 36(2014): 33-40.
McKee, G., W. Wilson, B. Dahl, 2014. Risk and Return Trade-Offs in Partnering Strategies between Co-ops and IOFs Agribusiness, Vol. 00 (0) 1–15 (2014)
Senturklu, S., D. Landblom, C. Wachenheim, T. Petry. “Using Phosphorylated Mannan Oligosaccharide and Fibrolytic Enzyme as Natural Feed Additive Substitutes for Growth-Enhancing Technologies in Sustainable Beef Production.” Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Kafkas, Kars, Turkey. Accepted and In Press, available on line -16 January 2014.
Shaik, S. 2014. "Re-Examination of Production, Cost and Restricted Prot Functions using Quantile Regression Approach." Agricultural Economics, 45 (2): 199-212.
Timothy Richards and William Nganje. “Welfare Effects of Food Recall.” Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 62, Issue 1, p. 107-124, 2014.
Wachenheim, C. and W. Lesch. 2014. Understanding Landowner Decision Drivers Regarding Conservation through Research. Western Economics Forum. 13(2), pp. 21-28.
William Nganje, Renée Shaw Hughner, and Paul M. Patterson. “Perception of Risks and Preferences for Locally Grown Produce: A Marketing System Approach,” Journal of Food Product Marketing, Vol. 20, Issue 2, p. 196-214, 2014.
William Wilson, Sumadhur Shakya and Bruce Dahl. "Valuing new random genetically modified (GM) traits with real options." Agricultural Finance Review. Vol. 75 Iss 2 pp. 213-229.
Yeboah, O., S. Shaik, A. Agyekum and J. Melikpor-Lee. 2014. "Energy Substitution in U.S. Electricity Generation." Journal of Business and Economics, 1(2):
Bachkar, Khalid, Won Koo, Joseph Semerekovsky and Nael Aly. An Analytical Hierarchy Process to Mitigate the Security Risk in Global Container Supply Chain, Journal of Management and Engineering Integration (accepted and forthcoming)
Dave, Chetan, Scott Dressler and Lei Zhang. The Bank Lending Channel: a FAVAR Analysis. Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, Volume 45, Issue 8: 1705–1720, December 2013.
Dumitrescu, Claudia, William Nganje and Clifford Schultz II. "Market Opportunities and Challenges for U.S. Wheat Exports in the Balkans and Black Sea Region." Issue 9, British Food Journal, Vol. 156, No. 10, p. 1518-1536, September 2013.
Fan, Lei, William W. Wilson and Bruce Dahl. "Impacts of Congestion and Port Expansion and on Spatial Competition for Container Imports into the United States" to the Transportation and Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review.
Hadrich, J.C., Larsen, R., Olson, F. “Impact of the Section 179 tax deduction on machinery investment”. Agricultural Finance Review, Vol. 73(3), 2013, p. 458-468.
Igathinathane C., D. Archer, C. Gustafson, M. Schmer, J. Hendrickson, S. Kronberg, L. Backer, K. Hellevang, and T. Faller. Biomass Round Bales Infield Aggregation Logistics, Scenarios, Biomass & Bioenergy, Forthcoming.
Isariyawongse, Kosin, Lei Zhang, Shuang Feng, and Michael Hannan. Economic Impact of the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) for Erie County, Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania Economic Review, Volume 20, Number 1, 72-85.
Jackson, Jeremy. 2013. "Tax earmarking, party politics and gubernatorial veto: theory and evidence from US states," Public Choice, Springer, vol. 155(1), pages 1-18, April.
Jackson, Jeremy, Cameron Thraen S. & Marin Bozic, 2013. "Conflict over Cooperation: Why So Much Disagreement over the Proposed Dairy Market Stabilization Program?," Journal of Agricultural & Food Industrial Organization, De Gruyter, vol. 11(1), pages 129-138, November.
Jesus Bravo, Ignacio Molina and William Nganje. “Understanding intentional food contamination attitudes: applying Ajzen’s Theory of Planned Behavior to a sample of fruit and vegetable industry workers.” International Journal of Agricultural Management, Volume 3 Issue 1, p.43-52, 2013.
Jiang and Koo, Estimating Regional Agricultural Supply of GHG Abatements by Land based Biological Carbon Sequestration: Bayesian Sampling based Simulation Approach, Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy (accepted and forthcoming).
Jiang and Koo, Producer Preference for Land-Based Carbon Sequestration in Agriculture: Some Implication from a Sample of North Dakota Farmers, Journal of Water and Soil Conservation (accepted and forthcoming).
Jiang and Koo, The Short Term Impact of Cap-and-Trade Climate Policy on Local Agriculture: A Policy Simulation with Producer Behavior, European Review of Agricultural Economics (accepted and forthcoming).
Koo and Taylor, Outlook of the U.S. and World Sugar Markets: Impacts of Brazil's Ethanol Production, International Sugar Journal, Vol. CXV, Issue No. 1371 (2013): 187-193.
Larsen, R., Mjelde, J.M., Klinefelter, D., Wolfley, J.L. “The Use of Copulas in Explaining Crop Yield Dependence Structures for use in Geographic Diversification”. Agricultural Finance Review, Vol. 73(3), 2013, p. 469-492.
Lim, SH and J Chi. 2013. Cell Phone Bans and Fatal Motor Vehicle Crash Rates in the United States. Journal of Public Health Policy 34(2): 197-212.
Lim, SH and J Chi. 2013. Are Cell Phone Laws Effective in Reducing Fatal Crashes Involving Young Drivers? Transport Policy 27(2013): 158-163.
Maung, T.A., C.R. Gustafson, D.M. Saxowsky, J. Nowatski, T. Miljkovic and D. Ripplinger. 2013. The Logistics of Supplying Single vs. Multi-crop Cellulosic Feedstocks to a Biorefinery in Southeast North Dakota. Applied Energy, Vol 109, 229-238.
McKee, G.J., J. Ransom, and M. McMullen. 2013. “Determinants of Adoption of Fusarium Head Blight Management Techniques in Wheat.” Journal of Agribusiness 31,1 (Fall 2013):181-196.
Miljkovic, Dragan: “The Impact of External Pressure on Voting Outcomes in Transition Economies,” Review of Radical Political Economics, In Press (Accepted for publication in June of 2013).
Miljkovic, Dragan and Miguel Gomez: "A Mechanism Design of Dispute Resolution Systems in a Regional Free Trade Agreement," Journal of Agricultural and Food Industrial Organization (October 2013), 11(1): 1-17.
Miljkovic, D., S.H. Miranda, and S. Shaik. 2013. "Trade openness and technical efficiency in Brazilian agriculture." Applied Economics Letters, 20 (2): 103-106.
Miljkovic, Dragan and Dane Braun: “Controlling Avoidance of Food Safety Regulations in Meat Packing Industry in the United States,” Open Journal of Political Science (2013), 3(2): 76-84.
Murguia, J.M. and S.H. Lence. "Investors' reaction to environmental performance: A global perspective of the Newsweek's "Green Rankings." Environmental and Resource Economics (accepted).
Nganje, William, Renee Shaw Hughner and Paul M. Patterson. "Perception of Risks and Preferences for Locally Grown Produce: A Marketing System Approach" In Press, Journal of Food Product Marketing, 2013.
Richards, Timothy and William Nganje. "Welfare Effects of Food Recall." In Press, Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics. Vol. 62, Issue 1, p. 107-124.
Roberts, D.C., B.W. Brorsen, J.B. Solie and W.R. Raun. 2013. "Is Data Needed from Every Field to Determine In-Season Precision Nitrogen Recommendations in Winter Wheat?" Precision Agriculture 14(3):245-296.
Shaik, S. 2013. "Did Crop Insurance Programs Change the Systematic Yield Risk?" Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics 68(1): 89-103.
Shaik, S. 2013. "Does Crop Insurance Affect the Technical Efficiency? A Panel DEA Analysis." American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 95(5): 1136-1154.
Shaik, S. 2013. "Re-Examination of Production, Cost and Restricted Profit Functions using Quantile Regression Approach." Agricultural Economics.
Shakya, Wilson, and Dahl, “Valuing New Random Genetically Modified (GM) Traits in Corn” Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 38(1):107–123
Wachenheim, C.J. and K. Beauchamp. 2013. Perceptions of Good Safety and Curricular Offerings. NACTA Journal 57(1, March), pp. 36-40.
Wilson and Lei Fan. Impacts of Congestion and Stochastic Variables on the Network for U.S. Container Imports to the Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, Accepted July 25. Forthcoming May 2013.
Wilson, William and Bruce Dahl. 2013. "Contracting for Canola in the Great Plains States", Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 00 (2013) 1-18; DOI: 10.1111/cjag.12017.
Wilson, William and Dragan Miljkovic: “Dynamic Inter-relationships in Hard Wheat Basis Markets,” Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics (2013), 61(3): 397-416.
Wu, Zhen and Cheryl Joy Wachenheim. 2013. Quantitative Cost Model of HACCP Implementation. Internet Journal of Food Safety, Vol.15, p 58 - 63.
Bora, G.C., J.F. Nowatzki, and D.C. Roberts. 2012. "Energy Savings by Adopting Precision Agricultural Technology in Rural United States." Energy, Sustainability and Society. 2(22).
Heng, Y., S.H. Lim, J. Chi. 2012. Toxic Air Pollutants and Trucking Productivity in the U.S. Transportation Research Part D: Transportation Environment 17: 309-316.
Leelaruban, N., P. Oduor, A. Akyuz, S. Shaik, G. Padmanabhan. 2012. "Leveraging a Spatio-Temporal Drought Severity and Coverage Index with Crop Yield Modeled As a Stochastic Process." International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology, 2 (3): 219-236.
Karemera, David, Won Koo, Louis Whitesides, (2012) "Trade, the Environment, and Impacts on State Agricultural Exports," Journal of Management Policy and Practice, Vol. 13, Iss. 4, pp. 11 - 20.
Lei Fan, William W. Wilson and Bruce Dahl, "Impacts of Congestion and Port Expansion and on Spatial Competition for Container Imports into the United States" Transportation and Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. Accepted Mar 2012: pp. 1121-1136.
Lei Fan, William W. Wilson and Bruce Dahl, "Impacts of New Routes and Ports on Spatial Competition for Container Imports into the United States" to Maritime Policy and Management, Vol 39 (5): 479-501.
Lim, S.H. and J. Chi. Are Cell Phone Laws Effective in Reducing Fatal Crashes Involving Young Drivers? Transport Policy. DOI: 10.1016/j.tranpol.2013.01.011. pp. 158-163 (2012).
Lim, S.H. and J. Chi. Cell Phone Bans and Fatal Motor Vehicle Crash Rates in the United States. Journal of Public Health Policy. DOI:10.1057/jphp.2013.3. pp. 197-212 (2012).
Maung, T. A., C. R. Gustafson, D. Saxowsky, T. Miljkovic, and J. Nowatzki. 2012. “Market Information on Sourcing Cellulosic Feedstock for Biofuel Production in Northern Plains Region of the United States.” Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology A 2, 10-23.
Maung, T.A., Gustafson, C.R., Saxowsky, D.M., Nowatski, J., Miljkovic, T., and D. Ripplinger. The Logistics of Supplying Single vs. Multi-crop Cellulosic Feedstocks to a Biorefinery in Southeast North Dakota. Applied Energy, Vol 109, 229-238. (2012).
McKee, G.J. and R. Larsen. 2012. "The Effects of Uncertainty and Capital Source on Cooperative Firm Leverage." Journal of Rural Cooperation. 40(2): 183-199.
Miljkovic, D., S.Shaik, and D. Braun. 2012. "Impact of biofuel policies on livestock production in the United States." Journal of Policy Modeling, 34(6): 817-831.
Miljkovic, Dragan, Saleem Shaik, and Dane Braun: “The Impact of Ethanol Policies on Livestock Production and Prices,” Journal of Policy Modeling (2012), 34(6): 817-831.
O'Brien, Daniel M. and Frayne Olson. "The Price Responsiveness of U.S. Wheat Export Demand by Class", Journal of Agribusiness, Vol. 30, No. 2, 2012.
Olson, F. and R. Larsen. "Are U.S. Cooperatives Prepared for Increased Grain Price Volatility?" The Cooperative Accountant, Winter 2012 (4), p. 16-22.
Richards, Timothy Lisa Mancino and William Nganje. "Nutrient Demand in Food Away from Home: the Role of Physical Activity, Obesity and Health." Forum for Health Economics and Policy, Vol. 15, Issue #2, 2012.
Roberts, D.C., B.W. Brorsen, J.B. Solie, and W.R. Raun. 2013. “Is Data Needed from Every Field to Determine In-Season Precision Nitrogen Recommendations in Winter Wheat?” Precision Agriculture 14(3):245-296. (2012).
Sarmiento, Camilo, William Wilson and Bruce Dahl. "Spatial Competition on Ethanol Plant Location Decisions" to Agribusiness: An International Journal. Vol. 28, Issue 3, pp. 260-273.
Shaik, S. and D. Miljkovic, 2012. "The Impact of Trade Openness on Technical Efficiency in U.S. Agriculture." Journal of International Agricultural Trade and Development, 7 (2): 131-144.
Shaik, S., A. Mishra and J.A. Atwood. 2012. "Aggregation Issues in the Estimation of Linear Programming Productivity Measure." Journal of Applied Economics, XV (1): 169-187.
Shaik, S. J.A. Atwood, and G.A. Helmers. 2012. "Did 1933 New Deal Legislation Contribute to Farm Real Estate: Regional Analysis." Journal of Policy Modeling, 34(6): 801-816.
Walter, Jason, Baek and Koo. International Trade and Macroeconomic Dynamics: The Case of U.S. Bilateral Trade with G-7 Countries, Research in Economics, Vol. 66, Issue 4, 2012.
Wilson and Lei Fan. Impacts of Congestion and Stochastic Variables on the Network for U.S. Container Imports to the Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, Accepted July 25. Volume 46, Part 3, September 2012, pp. 381-398.
Wilson, William and Bruce Dahl, 2013. “Contracting for Canola in the Great Plains States”, Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 00 (2013) 1–18; DOI: 10.1111/cjag.12017
Wilson, William and Dragan Miljkovic. "Dynamic Inter-relationships in Hard Wheat Basis Markets," Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 00 (2012) 1–20.
Baek and Koo. How Sensitive U.S. Agricultural Trade to Bilateral Exchange Rate: Evidence from Bulk, Intermediate, and Consumer-oriented Products, Agricultural Economics, Vol. 42, No. 3 (2011):387-403.
Boland, M., J. Hogeland and G.J. McKee. 2011. "Current Issues in Strategy for Agricultural Cooperatives." Choices 26(3).
Froelich, K., G.J. McKee, and R. Rathge. 2011. "Impediments to Executive Succession Planning in Nonprofit Firms." Non-profit Management and Leadership, 22(1):3-20.
Kranti, Mulik and Won Koo. Substitution between U.S. and Canadian Wheat by Class, Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 59, No. 1 (2011):1-18.
Mattson, J. and D. Ripplinger. 2011. Marginal Cost Pricing and Subsidy of Small Urban Transit, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2274, 77-83.
McKee, G.J. 2011. "Capital Budgeting Decisions for Electricity Distribution Cooperatives: The Case of Cass County Electric Cooperative" Journal of Cooperatives 25:16-24.
McKee, G.J. 2011. "Modeling the Effect of Spatial Externalities on Invasive Species Management: The Greenhouse Whitefly in California-grown Strawberries." Agricultural Systems 104:94-103.
McKee, G.J. and S. Duffield. 2011. "High School Student Attitudes toward Cooperative Businesses after Participation in an Instructional Activity about Cooperative Businesses." Journal of Education for Business 86:357-363.
Miljkovic, Dragan: “The Rationale for the Importance of the Rational Choice Theory in Contemporary Economics,” Journal of Ideology (2011), 33 (
Miljkovic, Dragan and Renan Zhuang: “The Exchange Rate Pass-through into Import Prices: The Case of Japanese Meat Imports,” Applied Economics (2011), 43(26): 3745-3754.
Miljkovic, Dragan and William W. Wilson: “The Impact of Emergence of Chinese International Corn Markets on Chinese and U.S. Corn Prices,” Applied Economics Letters (2011), 18: 449-454.
Moon, Wanki, W. Koo and C. Kim. World Agriculture Organization (WAO): Are We in Need of New Institution Governing the Global Agriculture? Journal of Rural Development Vol. 34, No. 2 (2011):1-29.
Nganje, William and Paul Skilton. "Food Risks and Type I & II Errors," International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, Volume 14, (Issue 5):109-124, 2011.
Nganje, William, Renee Hughner, Nicholas Lee. "State Branded Programs and Consumer Preference for Locally Grown Produce," Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, 40/1 (April):1-19, 2011.
Roberts, D.C., B.W. Brorsen, J.B. Solie and W.R. Raun. 2011. "The Effect of Parameter Uncertainty on Whole-Field Nitrogen Recommendations from Nitrogen-Rich Strips and Ramped Strips in Winter Wheat." Agricultural Systems 104(4):307-314.
Roberts, D.C., B.W. Brorsen, R.K. Taylor, J.B. Solie and W.R. Raun. 2011. "Replicability of Nitrogen Recommendations from Ramped Calibration Strips in Winter Wheat." Precision Agriculture 12(5):653-665.
Rimal, Arbindra, Wanki Moon, Siva K. Balasubramanian and Dragan Miljkovic: “Self-Efficacy as a Mediator of the Relationship Between Dietary Knowledge and Behavior,” Journal of Food Distribution Research (2011), XLII(3): 28-42.
Scott, Winifred and William Nganje. "An Ex-Post Evaluation of Sarbanes-Oxley Act on Firms' Intrinsic Value: A Principal-Agent Framework," Paper Accepted for Publication, Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal, Vol. 15(3), 2011.
Serfling, Matt and Dragan Miljkovic: “Time Series Analysis of The Relationships among (Macro) Economic Variables, The Dividend Yield and The Price Level of The S&P 500 Index,” Applied Financial Economics (2011), 21: 1117-1134.
Wilson, William and Bruce Dahl. Grain Contracting Strategies: The Case of Durum Wheat, to Agribusiness, Volume 27, Issue 3, pages 344–359, Summer 2011.
Wilson and Dahl. "Grain Pricing and Transportation: Dynamics and Changes in Markets" to Agribusiness Journal, Vo. 27(4)420-434(2011).
Yeboah, O., S. Shaik, S. Wozniak, and A.J. Allen. 2011. "Does the WTO Increase Trade? The Case of U.S. Cocoa Imports from WTO-Member Producing Countries." Journal of Food Distribution Research, 42 (2): 78-88.
Baek and Koo. Analyzing Factors Affecting U.S. Food Price Inflation, Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 58 (2010):303-320.
Baek and Koo. The U.S. Agricultural Sector and the Macroeconomy, Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Vol. 58 (2010):303-320.
Chi, Junwook, Won Koo, Siew Lim. Demand Analysis for Air Passenger Service in U.S. City Pair Market, Journal of Transportation Research Forum, Vol. 49, No. 1 (2010):81-93.
Fan, Lei,William W. Wilson and Denver Tolliver. Optimal Network Flows for Containerized Imports to the United States to the Transportation and Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2010, pp: 735-749. Transportation Research Part E 46 (2010), pp. 735-749.
Jiang, Yong and Won Koo. Short-term Impact of Cap and Trade Climate Policy and Agricultural Adjustmane, Policy Issues, PI-11 (, September 2010.
Jin, Hyun and Dragan Miljkovic: “Test for Multiple Structural Changes in Relative Farm Prices,” Applied Economics (2010), 42: 3253-3265.
Kim, Hyun Seok and Won Koo. Factors affecting Carbon Credit Market in the U.S., Energy Policy, Vol. 28 (2010):1879-1884.
Lambert, David, and Dragan Miljkovic: “The Sources of Variability in U.S. Food Prices,” Journal of Policy Modeling (2010), 32(2): 210-222.
Mejia, Carla, Jennifer McEntire, Kevin Keener, William Nganje, Thomas Stinson, Mary K. Muth and Helen Jensen. "Traceability (Product Tracing) in Food Systems: An IFT Report Submitted to FDA, Volume 2: Cost Considerations and Implications," Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, Vol. 9:159-175 2010.
Miljkovic, Dragan and Cary Effertz: “Analyzing Consumer Behavior and the Demand for Broilers: A Reference Point Approach,” British Food Journal (2010), 112(1): 32-43.
Nganje, William, Dragan Miljkovic and Elvis Ndembe Mokake. "Offsetting Behavior and Food Safety Information for Fresh Produce" Agribusiness, An International Journal. Volume 26, No. 4 Autumn (Fall):557-572, 2010.
Onyango, Benjamin, Arbindra Rimal, Dragan Miljkovic, and William Hallman: “Food Safety Risk Perceptions as a Tool for Market Segmentation: The US Poultry Meat Market,” Journal of Food Distribution Research Society (2009), 40(3): 79-90.
Shaik, S. 2010. "Importance of Panel Analysis in Examining Normality of Crop Yield Distributions." Journal of Quantitative Economics, 8 (1):55-68.
Shaik, S. and D. Miljkovic. 2010. "Nature of Dynamic Relationships between Farm Real Estate Values and Federal Farm Program Payments." Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 35 (1): 153-165.
Wilson and Dahl. "Grain Pricing and Transportation: Dynamics and Changes in Markets" to Agribusiness Journal, Vol. 27(4)420-434(2011).
Wilson, W. and B. Dahl. "Quality Uncertainty and Challenges to Wheat Procurement" Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics/Revue canadienne d'agroeconomie...2010.
Wilson, William W. and Bruce Dahl. Competition and Dynamics in Market Structure in Corn and Soybean Seed. 5(2) CPI Antitrust Chronicle, (April 2010). Available at
Baek and Koo. A Dynamic Approach to the FDI-Environment Nexus: The Case of China and India, Journal of International Economic Studies, Vol. 13, No. 2 (2009): 87-108.
Baek and Koo. Assessing the exchange rate sensitivity of U.S. bilateral agricultural trade, Canadian J. of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 57 (2009): 187-203.
Baek and Koo. On the Dynamic Relationship between U.S. Farm Income and Macroeconomic Variables, Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Vol. 41(2009):521-528.
Baek, Cho and Koo. "The Environmental Consequences of Globalization? A Country-specific Time-series Analysis," Ecological Economics Vol. 68(2009):2255-2264.
Baek, J., J. Mattson and W. Koo. Effects of the duties on Canadian Hard Red Spring Wheat, Journal of International Law and Trade Policy, Vol. 10 (2009):41-62.
Baek, J., K. Mulik and W. Koo. Exchange Rate Dynamics and The Bilateral Trade Balance: The Case of U.S. Agriculture, Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, Vol. 38, No. 2(2009):213-228.
Boland, M., G.J. McKee. 2009. "North Dakota Growers Pasta." Journal of Cooperatives 23:141-151.
Chi and Koo. Economic analysis of demand for U.S. air passenger service. Transportation Research, vol. 16, No. 2 (2009): 147-160.
Chi, Junwook and Won Koo. Carriers' pricing behaviors in the U.S. Airline Industry, Transportation Research Part E (Transportation and Logistic Review), Vol. 45, Issues 5 (2009):710-724.
Chi, Koo and Lim. Price Dispersion in the U.S. Airline Industry, Journal of Transportation Research, Vol. 48, No. 3 (2009): 39-58.
DeVuyst, Eric, William W. Wilson, and Bruce Dahl. "Longer-term forecasting and risks in spatial optimization models: The world grain trade." Transportation Research Part E 45 (2009) 472-485.
Enyinda, C., C. Briggs and W. Koo. The Role of Competitive Intelligence Leverage in Supply Chain Risk Management Strategy, Global Review of Business and Economic Research, Vol. 5 (2009):1-19.
Fan, Lei, William W. Wilson and Denver Tolliver, (2009) "Logistical Rivalries and Impacts of Canada's Logistics System on US Container Supply Chain," Canadian Transport Review. Pp. 280-294.
Fan, Lei, William W. Wilson and Denver Tolliver. "Optimization Model for Global Container Supply Chain: Imports to United States." Transportation Research Forum, forthcoming (2009).
Gregory, M., S. Shaik and M. Boland. 2009. "Role of Financial Variables in Explaining the Profitability of North Dakota Farm Supply and Grain Marketing Cooperatives." Journal of Rural Cooperation, 37 (2): 261-272.
Gustafson, C., and S. Shaik. 2009. "Distressed Rural Housing - Is Economic, Farm or Biofuel Policy More Influential in Leading a Recovery?" American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 91 (5): 1187-1193.
Hughner, Rene, Jill K. Maher, Nancy Childs and William Nganje. "Fish: Friend or Foe? Food policy and subpopulation warnings for consumers." Food Policy, Vol. 34/2 pp. 185-197, 2009.
Kwon and Koo. Interdependence of Macro and Agricultural Economics: How Sensitive is the Relationship? American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 91 (2009): 1194-1200.
McKee, G.J. and F.G. Zalom. 2009. "A Dynamic Model of Greenhouse Whitelfy (Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood)) Management on Strawberry Plants." Journal of Asia Pacific Entomology 12:117-122.
McKee, G.J. and M. Boland. 2009. "North American Bison Cooperative and North Dakota Natural Beef: Governance Issues in a Contractual Alliance." Journal of Cooperatives 23:152-165.
McKee, G.J., M. Boland and A. Offerdahl. 2009. "American Crystal Sugar Company: Making Ethanol from Sugar Beets?" Review of Agricultural Economics 31:2 (Summer 2009).
McKee, G.J., R.E. Goodhue, J.A. Chalfant, C.A. Carter and F.G. Salom. 2009. "Population Dynamics and the Economics of Invasive Species Management: The Greenhouse Whitefly in California Strawberries." Journal of Environmental Management 90:561-570.
McKee, G.J., S. Shaik and M. Boland. 2009. "Role of Financial Variables in Explaining the Profitability of North Dakota Farm Supply and Grain Marketing Cooperatives." Journal of Rural Cooperation 37(2):261-272.
Miljkovic, Dragan: “International Agreements and Organizations: Pivotal Countries and Manipulations,” Economic Modelling (2009), 26(6): 1398-1402.
Miljkovic, Dragan: "U.S. and Canadian Livestock Prices: Market Integration and Trade Dependence," Applied Economics (2009), 41(2): 183-193
Miljkovic, Dragan, Jian Gong, and Linda Lehrke: “The Effects of Trivial Attributes on Choice of Food Products,” Agricultural and Resource Economics Review (2009), 38(2): 142-152.
Miljkovic, Dragan, William Nganje and Benjamin Onyango. "Offsetting Behavior and the Benefits of Food Safety Regulation" Paper Accepted for Publication, Journal of Food Safety, 29 (2009): 49-58.
Nganje, W.E., C.J. Wachenheim and W.C. Lesch. 2009. A Comparison between Perception of Risk and Willingness to Serve GM Foods. Journal of Food Distribution Research 40(2), pp. 57-71.
Nganje, William, T. Richards. J. Bravo, Na Hu, A. Kagan, R. Acharya and M. Edwards. "Food Safety and Defense Risks in U.S. Mexico Produce Trade, Choices, 2nd Quarter 2009, 24(2):1-8.
Onyango, Benjamin, Arbindra Rimal, Dragan Miljkovic, and William Hallman: “Food Safety Risk Perceptions as a Tool for Market Segmentation: The US Poultry Meat Market,” Journal of Food Distribution Research Society (2009), 40(3): 79-90.
Richards, Timothy, William Nganje and Acharya Ram. "Hysteresis and Investment in Food Safety." Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 34(3):464-482, 2009.
Roberts, D.C., C.D. Clark, W.M. Park, B.C. English and R.K. Roberts. 2009. "Estimating Riparian Buffer Costs for the Harpeth River Watershed." Review of Agricultural Economics 31(4):894-913.
Shaik, S., A.J. Allen, S. Edwards-Morris and J. Harris. 2009. "Market Structure, Conduct and Performance Hypothesis Revisited Using Stochastic Frontier Efficiency Analysis." Journal of the Transportation Research Forum, 48 (3): 5-18.
Wachenheim, C.J. 2009. Final Exam Scores in Introductory Economics Courses: Effect of Course Delivery Method and Proctoring. Review of Agricultural Economics 31(3), pp. 640-652.
Wilson, William W. and Bruce Dahl. 2009. "Grain Contracting Strategies to Induce Delivery and Performance in Volatile Markets." Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 41-2(August 2009):363-376.
Wilson, William, C. Gustafson and B. Dahl. "Crop Insurance in malting barley: A Stochastic Dominance Analysis," Agricultural Finance Review, vol. 69(1):2009. 98-112.
Wilson, William W., Wesley Wilson, and Bruce Dahl. "Protein and the demand for hard wheats." The Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 53, pp. 285-303.
Yeboah, O., S. Shaik, A.J. Albert and S. Wozniak. 2009. "The Impacts of Exchange Rates on Farm Input Prices." Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 41 (2): 511-520.
Bowker, J.M., S.H. Lim, H.K. Cordell, G.T. Green, S. Rideout-Hanzak, C.Y. Johnson. 2008. Wildland Fire, Risk and Recovery: Results of a National Survey with Regional and Racial Perspectives. Journal of Forestry 106(5): 268-276.
Hodur, Nancy M., F. Larry Leistritz, and Kara L. Wolfe. "Developing the Nature-Based Tourism Sector in Southwestern North Dakota." Great Plains Research 18 (Spring 2008):81-92.
Huso, Scott and W. Wilson. "Impacts of a Genetically Modified Fusarium Resistant Trait on Conventional Fungicide Prices and Demand." Journal of International Agricultural Trade and Development, JIATD 4(2), Fall 2008 159-176.
Jin, Hyun and Dragan Miljkovic: “Competitive Structure of U.S. Grain Exporters in the World Market: A Dynamic Panel Approach,” Journal of International Economic Studies (2008), 12(1): 33-62.
Landblom, D.G., C.J. Wachenheim and T.A. Petry. 2008. "Using A Yeast Preparation and Fibrolytic Enzyme As Replacements for Growth Hormone and Antibiotic in Natural Beef Production". Western Section, American Society of Animal Science, Volume 59.
McKee, G.J. 2008. "The Financial Performance of North Dakota Agricultural Cooperatives." Journal of Cooperatives 21:15-34.
McKee, G.J. and M. Boland. 2008. "Cass-Clay Creamery: A New Direction for an Old Brand." Journal of Cooperatives 21:1-14.
McKee, G.J., R.E. Goodhue, J.A. Chalfant, C.A. Carter and F.G. Zalom. 2008. "Pesticide Resistance, Population Dynamics and Invasive Species Management." Cooperator Report to United States Department of Agriculture-Economic Research Service, CCCR-43. July.
Miljkovic, Dragan: “The Pitfalls of Transition: Crowding Out the ‘National Virtues’,” Journal of Socio-Economics (2008), 37(5): 2107-2113.
Miljkovic, Dragan and Arbindra Rimal: “Political Instability and Development,” Journal of Socio-Economics (2008), 37(6): 2454-2463.
Miljkovic, Dragan and Rodney J. Paul: “Income Effects on the Trade Balance in the United States: Sectoral Analysis,” Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics (2008), 40(3): 967-982.
Miljkovic, Dragan and William Nganje: “Economic Factors Affecting the Increase in Obesity in the United States: A Model of Myopic Addictive Behavior in Food Consumption,” Agricultural Economics (2008), 38(3), 375-384.
Miljkovic, Dragan and William Nganje. "Regional Obesity Determinants in the United States: A Model of Myopic Addictive Behavior in Food Consumption." Agricultural Economics, A Journal of the International Association of Agricultural Economists, Vol. 38 (3):375-384, 2008.
Miljkovic, Dragan, Hyun Jin, and Rodney Paul: “The Role of Productivity Growth and Farmers' Income Protection Policies in the Decline of Relative Farm Prices in the United States,” Journal of Policy Modeling (2008), 30(5): 873-885.
Miljkovic, Dragan, William Nganje and Elvis Ndembe. "Offsetting Behavior: Consumers' Response to Food Safety Policies." Choices, 3rd Quarter 2008 23(3):1-7.
Miljkovic, Dragan, William Nganje and Helene de Chastenet "Economic Factors Affecting the Increase in Obesity in the United States: A Differential Response to Price" Food Policy, Vol. 33/1 pp 48-60, 2008.
Nganje, W., S. Kaitibie, C. Wachenheim. E.T. Acquah, J. Matson and G. Johnson. 2008. Estimating Price Premiums for Breads. Journal of Food Distribution Research 39(2, July), pp. 66-76.
Nganje, William, Robert Hearne, Cole Gustafson and Michael Orth. "Farmers' Preferences for Alternative Crop and Health Insurance Subsidies." Review of Agricultural Economics." Vol. 30, No. 2 (Summer):333-351, 2008.
Nganje, William E., Simeon Kaitibie, Emmanuel Acquah, Cheryl Wachenheim and Gretchen Johnson. "Price Premium for Bread Marketed as Low-Carbohydrates Bread." Journal of Food Distribution Research. July, 2008, Vol. 39(2):66-76.
Nganje, William, Vicki Bier, Hoa Han and Lorna Zack. "Models of Interdependent Security along the Milk Supply Chain." Proceeding Issue, American Journal of Agricultural Economic, 90(Number 5, 2008):1265-1271.
Onyango, Benjamin, Dragan Miljkovic, William Hallman, William Nganje, Sarah Coundry, and Cara Cuite: "Food Recalls and Food Safety Perceptions: The September 2006 Spinach Recall Case," Journal of Agribusiness, Vol 26, No. 1(Spring, 2008):77-98.
Shaik, S., K. Coble, T.O. Knight, A.E. Baquet and G.F. Patrick. 2008. "Crop Revenue and Yield Insurance Demand: A Subjective Probability Approach." Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 40 (3): 757-766.
Shaik, S., K.H. Coble, D. Hudson, T. Hanson, C. Miller and S.H. Sempier. 2008. "Willingness to Pay for a Potential Trout Aquaculture." Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, 37 (1): 41-50.
Terrill, R.H., S. Shaik, K.H. Coble, S. Edwards and J.C. Miller. 2008. "Identifying Risk Factors Affecting Weather- and Disease-Related Losses in the U.S. Farm-Raised Catfish Industry." Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, 37 (1): 27-40.
Wachenheim, Cheryl J. "Learning from Assessment: Effect of Changes in an Online Course in Agri-Sales on Students' Perceptions and Performance." North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Vol 52 (1) (March 2008) pp17-24.
Wilson, William W., Won Koo, Bruce Dahl, and Richard Taylor. "Impacts of Ethanol Expansion on Cropping Patterns and Grain Flows." Review of Agricultural Economics Vol 30, Number 4-pp. 642-663
Wilson, William W., and Bruce L. Dahl. "Procurement Strategies to Improve Quality Consistency in Wheat Shipments." Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics Association 33(1):69-86.
Wilson, William, Cole Gustafson, and B. Dahl. "Crop Insurance in Malting Barley: A Stochastic Dominance Analysis." Agricultural Finance Review, May 28, 2008. (2008-0062) Accepted Sept 25, 2008.
Wilson, William W., E.A. DeVuyst, R.D. Taylor, W.W. Koo and B.L. Dahl. "Implications of biotech traits with segregation costs and market segments: the case of Roundup Ready® Wheat." European Review of Agricultural Economics Vol 35 (1) (2008) pp. 51-73 doi:10.1093/erae/bjn003.
Wilson, William W., Eric A. DeVuyst, Richard D. Taylor, Won W. Koo and Bruce L. Dahl. "Welfare Implications of Biotech Traits with Segregation Costs and Market Segments: The Case of Roundup Ready® Wheat (RRW)." European Review of Agricultural Economics, May 1 2006. Accepted Feb 6, 2008. Vo. 35(1) 2008:51-73.
Wilson, W. and Scott Huso. 2008. "Trait Stacking, Licensing, and Seed Firm Acquisitions in GM Grains: A Strategic Analysis." Journal of Agricultural & Resource Economics, Vol. 33, No. 3 (December 2008) pp. 382-401.
Wilson, William, Won W. Koo, Richard D. Taylor and Bruce L. Dahl. 2008. "Impacts of Ethanol Expansion on Cropping Patterns and Grain Flows." Review of Agricultural Economics, 30(4):642-663 Winter 2008.
Wilson, W., X. Henry and B. Dahl. 2008. "Costs and Risks of Conforming to EU Traceability Requirements; The Case of Hard Red Spring Wheat." Agribusiness: An International Journal, Vol. 24, Issue No. 1, Winter 2008: 85-102.
Zhuang, Renan and Won Koo. "The Role of the Chinese Agricultural and Industrial Sectors in its Economic Growth: Are They Twin Brothers?" China: An International Journal, Vol. 6, No. 2(2008):299-315.
Zhuang, Renan, Won W. Koo and Jeremy Mattson. "The Growing U.S. Trade Deficit in Consumer-Oriented Agricultural Products," Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Vol. 40, No. 5 (2008):953-965.
Baek and Koo. "Dynamic Interrelationships between the U.S. Agricultural Trade Balance and the Macroeconomy," Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Vol. 39, No. 3 (2007):457-470.
Baek and Koo. "Identifying Macroeconomic Linkages to U.S. Agricultural Trade Balance," Canadian J. of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 56, No. 1(2008):63-78.
DeVuyst, E.A., and P.V. Preckel. "Gaussian Cubature: A Practitioners Guide." Mathematical and Computer Modeling 45(2007):787-794.
Hodur, N.M., and F.L. Leistritz. "Estimating the Economic Impact of Event Tourism: A Review of Issues and Methods." Journal of Convention and Event Tourism (forthcoming 2007).
Kaitibie, S., W. Nganje, W. Brorsen, and F. Epplin. "A Cox Parametric Bootstrap Test of the von Liebig Hypothesis." Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 55(2007):15-25.
Koo and Uhm, "Effects of Dumping vs. Anti-dumping Measures: the U.S. Trade Remedy Laws Applied to Wheat Imports from Canada," Journal of World Trade, Vol. 41. No. 6 (2007):1163-1184.
Koo and Zhuang. "The Role of Exchange Rate in Sino-U.S. Bilateral Trade," Contemporary Economic Policy, 45-3 (2007): 362-373.
Landblom, D. G., G. P. Lardy, R. Fast, C. J. Wachenheim, and T. A. Petry. "Effect of Hay Feeding Methods on Cow Performance, Hay Waste, and Wintering Cost." The Professional Animal Scientist 23(3, June 2007): 246 – 252.
Mattson and Koo. "Effects of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy Outbreaks on U.S. Cattle and Beef prices," Review of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 29, No. 4 (2007): 734-748.
Miljkovic, D. "U.S. and Canadian Livestock Prices: Market Integration and Trade Dependence." Applied Economics (forthcoming 2007, accepted September 3, 2006).
Miljkovic, D., and D. Mostad. "Obesity and Low-carb Diets in the United States: A Herd Behavior Model." Agribusiness: An International Journal 23(3), 2007.
Miljkovic, Dragan and Daniel Mostad: "Obesity and Low-carb Diets in the United States: A Herd Behavior Model," Agribusiness: An International Journal (2007), 23(3), 421-434
Nganje, William and Linda Lehrke. "Evaluating Cost-Effective Food Safety Risk Reduction Strategies," FSRRN Journal, Vol II, (No 3):1-5, 06/07.
Nganje, William, B. Dahl, W. Wilson, S. Mounir and A. Lewis. "Valuing Private Sector Incentives to Invest in Food Security Measure: Quantifying the Risk Premium for RFEM." Journal of International Agricultural Trade and Development. Vol 3, Issue 2, pp. 199-216, 2007.
Nganje, W., M. Friedrichsen, C. Gustafson and G.J. McKee. 2007. "Marginal Impact of Sales Consultant Visits and Financing Opportunities on the Adoption of Variable Rate Fertilizer Application." Agricultural Finance Review Fall: 295-310.
Nganje, William, Mary Frederickson, Cole Gustafson and Gregory McKee. "Marginal Impacts of Sales Consultant Visit and Financing Opportunities on the Adoption of Variable Rate Fertilizer Application." Agricultural Finance Review, Vol. 67, No. 2 (Fall, 2007):295-310.
Nganje, William, Simeon Kaitibie and Alexandre Sorin. "HACCP Implementation and Economic Optimality in Turkey Processing." Agribusiness, An International Journal, Volume 23, No. 2 (Spring 2007).
Petry, T.A., D.G. Landblom, and C.J. Wachenheim. 2007. Effect of Yeast and Enzyme Alternatives in Field Pea and Co-Product Based Natural Beef Production. Dickinson REC Center Annual Report-Beef Section.
Sarmiento, C., and W.W. Wilson. "Spatially Correlated Exit Strategies in the Baking Industry." Applied Economics 39(4):441-448, March 2007.
Shaik, S. 2007. "Examining the Normality of Indian Rice & Wheat Yields?" Pravartak: Journal of Insurance and Risk Management, 3 (1): 112-119.
Simeon Kaitibie, William Nganje, Wade Brorsen and Francis Epplin "A Cox Parametric Bootstrap Test of the von Liebig Hypothesis." Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 55 (2007):15-25.
Spann, Karemera, Sweat and Koo. "Mexican Agricultural Exports: Effect on Trade Flows and Prices in the USA Under SAFTA," World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, Vol. 4, No. 1(2007) 46-58.
Wachenheim, C.J. "Growing and Maintaining Viable Student Chapters of Professional Organizations: The Case of the National AgriMarketing Association." NACTA Journal 51(2):60-64.
Wachenheim, Cheryl, David Lambert and Tamara VanWechel. "Willingness to Pay for Genetically Modified Foods Under Differing Information Scenarios" Journal of Food Products Marketing 13(4):57-77.
Wilson, W.W., B.L. Dahl, and B.J. Maxwell. "Grower Response to Contracts and Risk in Genetically Modified (GM) Crops" Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 32(1):135-153.
Wilson, W.W., B.L. Dahl, and D.D. Johnson. "Quality Uncertainty and Challenges to Wheat Procurement." Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 55(2007):315-326.
Wilson, W.W., B.L. Dahl, and E. Jabs. "Optimal Supplier Testing and Tolerance Strategies for Genetically Modified (GM) Wheat." Agricultural Economics 36(2007).
Wilson, W.W., W.E. Nganje, and C.R. Hawes. "Value-at-Risk in Bakery Procurement." Review of Agricultural Economics Fall 2007, Proceedings Issue.
Wilson, W.W., X. Henry, and B.L. Dahl. "Costs and Risks of Conforming to EU Traceability Requirements: The Case of Hard Red Spring Wheat." Agribusiness, Vol. 24 (1) 85-101 (2007).
Zhuang and Koo. "Implications of U.S. Free Trade Agreement with South Korea," Journal of Economic Development, Vol. 33, No. 1 (2008):27-44.
Anderson, J., C.J. Wachenheim, and W.C. Lesch. "Perceptions of Genetically Modified and Organic Foods and Processes. AgBioForum 9(3):1-15, 2006.
Biénebe, E., and R. Hearne. "Public Preferences for Biodiversity Conservation and Scenic Beauty Within a Framework of Environmental Services Payments." Forest Policy and Economics, 9(4):335-348, December 2006.
Bullock, David W., William W. Wilson, and Bruce L. Dahl. "Strategic Use of Futures and Options by Commodity Processors." International Review of Economics and Finance (forthcoming 2006).
DeVuyst, Cheryl S. "Designing an Agribusiness Internship Academic Experience Course." NACTA Journal 50(1):33-36, 2006.
DeVuyst, E.A., T. Foissey, and G. Kegode. "An Economic Analysis of Reduced-input and Traditional Cropping Systems in the Northern Plains." Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 21(1):68-73, 2006.
Diersen, M.A., W.W. Wilson, and B.L. Dahl. "Additionality of Credit Guarantees for Wheat Exports." Journal of International Agricultural Trade and Development 2:2(2006).
Flaskerud, G.K. "Field Pea and Lentil Marketing Strategies for Northern Plains Producers." Northern Plains Producers, 2006.
Goodhue, R.E. and G.J. McKee. 2006. "Designing and Implementing Invasive Species Prevention, Eradication and Control Policies: Economics, Biology and Uncertainty." Choices 21(3):129-132.
Gustafson, Cole. R. "Engaging Producers in Risk Management Education." Journal of Extension 44(2), April 2006, Article #2IAW4.
Gustafson, Cole R., and William E. Nganje. "Value of Social Capital to Mid-sized Northern Plains Farms." Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 54(3):421-438, 2006.
Huso, Scott R., and William W. Wilson. "Producer Surplus Distributions in GM Crops: The Ignored Impacts of Roundup Ready® Wheat." Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 31(2):339-354, 2006.
Hodur, Nancy M., Dean A. Bangsund, F. Larry Leistritz, and John T. Kaatz. "Estimating the Contribution of a Multi-purpose Event Facility to the Area Economy." Tourism Economics 12(2):303-316(14), June 2006.
Hodur, Nancy M., F. Larry Leistritz, and Dean A. Bangsund. "Biological Control of Leafy Spurge: Utilization and Implementation." Journal of Range Management 59(5):445-452, September 2006.
Hodur, Nancy M., F. Larry Leistritz, and Dean A. Bangsund. "Evaluation of TEAM Leafy Spurge Project." Journal of Range Management 59(5):483-493, September 2006.
Jin, Hyun J., and Won W. Koo. "Offshore Hedging Strategy of Japan-based Wheat Trade under Multiple Sources of Risk and Hedging Costs." Journal of International Money and Finance 25(2):220-236, 2006.
Jin, Elder, and Koo. "A Re-examination of Fractional Integrating Dynamics in the Foreign Exchange Rates." International Review of Economics and Finance 15(1), January 2006.
Koo, W. , L. Kennedy, and A. Skripnitchenko. " Regional Preferential Trade Agreements: Trade Creation and Diversion Effects." Review of Agricultural Economics 28(3):408-415.
Lyonga, Agnes, William Nganje, Timothy Sellnow, Simeon Kaitibie, and Steven Vennette. "Human Factor Risk in Turkey Processing and High Reliability Culture." Food Protection Trends, 26(7)(August 2006):593-600.
McKee, G.J., C.A. Carter, J.A. Chalfant, and R.E. Goodhue. 2006. "Bioeconomic Modeling of Greenhouse Whiteflies in California Strawberries." Choices 21(3):133-136.
McKee, Gregory J., Frank G. Zalom, and Rachael E. Goodhue. "Management and Yield Impact of the Greenhouse Whitefly (Trialeurodes vaporariorum) on California Strawberries." HortScience (accepted for publication 9/20/06).
Miljkovic, Dragan. "Obesity: Health and Food Policy Dilemma." Choices 21(1)::37-40, 2006.
Miljkovic, Dragan. "Organizational Portfolio Theory and International Not-for-Profit Organizations." Journal of Socio-Economics 35(1):142-150, 2006.
Miljkovic, Dragan, and Hyun Jin. "Causes of Changes in Composition and Quality of Imports in Japanese Beef Import Markets." Agricultural and Resource Economics Review 35(2):276-284, 2006.
Nganje, William E., Mounir Siaplay, and Simeon Kaitibie. "Predicting Food Safety Losses in Turkey Processing and Economic Incentives of HACCP Intervention." Agribusiness: An International Journal 22(4):475-489, October 2006.
Novak, Julie, Timothy Sellnow, Steven Vennette, and William Nganje. "Perceptions of Risk Communication Messages: Applications in a Food Processing Environment." Journal of Food Protection Trends 26(4)(April 2006):236-243.
Wachenheim, Cheryl J., Patrick Novak, Eric A. DeVuyst, and David K. Lambert. "Demand Estimation for Agricultural Processing Coproducts." Great Plains Research 16(Spring):85-94, 2006.
Wilson, William W., and Bruce L. Dahl. "Costs and Risks of Segregating GM Wheat in Canada." Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 54(2006):341-359.
Wilson, William W., William E. Nganje, and Robert Wagner. "Hedging Strategies for Grain Processors." Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 54(2):311-326, June 2006.
Batabyal, A., H. Beladi, and W. Koo. "Maritime Trade, Biological Invasions, and the Properties of Alternative Inspection Regime." Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, January 2005.
DeVuyst, C.S. "Demand Screening with Slotting Allowances and Failure Fees." Journal of Agricultural & Food Industrial Organization 3(2), 2005.
DeVuyst, C.S., and E.A. DeVuyst. "Indemnifying Producer Equity Losses Related to Livestock Disease Announcements. Western Economics Forum, December 2005.
DeVuyst, C. S., and C. Wachenheim. “Genetically-Enhanced Sugarbeets: To Be or Not To Be.” Review of Agricultural Economics 27(1):105-116, 2005.
DeVuyst, Cheryl S., F. Larry Leistritz, and Angela Schepp. “Rural Economic Development Initiatives: Comparing Socioeconomic Impacts.” Great Plains Research 15:69-100, 2005.
Flaskerud, George. "Price Risk Management Strategies for Sunflowers." Journal of the American Society of Farm Managers and Appraisers pp. 85-94, 2005.
Gustafson, C. "Rural Small Business Trade Credit: A Paradox." Agricultural Finance Review 65(1):45-57, 2005.
Gustafson, C., and L. Crane. "Polling Your Audience with Wireless Technology." Journal of Extension 43(6), article #6TOT3, Dec. 2005.
Gustafson, C., and D. Saxowsky. "Breached Bio-security at the Farm Gate: A Minnesota Dairy Case Study of Criminal Activity." Journal of ASFMRA 68(1):23-27, 2005.
Hearne, R., and G. Donoso. “Recent Institutional Reforms in Chile’s Water Sector.” Water Policy 7(1):53-70, February 2005.
Hearne, R., and C.A. Santos. "Tourists' and Locals' Preferences toward Ecotourism Development in the Maya Biosphere Reserve, Guatemala." Environment, Development and Sustainability 7:303-318, 2005.
Hearne, R., and M. Volcan. "The Use of Choice Experiments to Analyze Consumer Preferences for Ecolabeled and Organic Produce in Costa Rica." Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture 44(4):381-397, 2005.
Hodur, Nancy M., F. Larry Leistritz, and Kara L. Wolfe. "Assessing the Economic Development Potential of Nature Tourism." Great Plains Research (Fall 2005):279-296.
Lambert, David K., and Volodymir V. Bayda. "The Impacts of Farm Financial Structure on Production Efficiency." Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 37:1(April 2005):277-289.
Lesch, William C., Cheryl J. Wachenheim, and Bard S. Stillerud. "Biotechnology: The Healthy Choice?" Health Marketing Quarterly 22(3):59-81, 2005.
Miljkovic, Dragan. "Measuring and Causes of Farm Size Inequality in the USA." Agricultural Economics 33(1):21-27, 2005.
Miljkovic, Dragan. "Rational choice and irrational individuals or simply an irrational theory: A critical review of the hypothesis of perfect rationality." Journal of Socio-Economics 34(5):623-636, 2005.
Miljkovic, Dragan. "SPS Measures in International Trade: Policy Considerations versus Economic Reasoning." International Journal of Consumer Studies 29(3):283-290, 2005.
Miljkovic, Dragan, and Daniel Mostad. "Impact of Changes in Dietary Preferences on U.S. Retail Demand for Beef: Health Concerns and the Role of Media." Journal of Agribusiness 23(2):183-199, 2005 .
Nganje, William E., Simeon Kaitibie, and Thomas Taban. "Multinomial Logit Models Comparing Consumers' and Producers' Risk Perception of Specialty Meat." Agribusiness: An International Journal 21(3):375-390, 2005.
Nudell, Dan, Beth Roth, and David Saxowsky. "Non-Traditional Extension Education Using Videoconferencing." Journal of Extension 43(1), Article #1TOT3, February 2005.
O’Relley, E. Z. “Privatization and Some Economic and Social Consequences: Higher Incomes, Greater Inequalities.” The Social Science Journal 43(3), 2005.
Rathge, Richard W. "The Changing Profile of the Great Plains." Great Plains Sociologist 17(2):82-99, 2005.
Sarmiento, C., and W. W. Wilson. "Spatial Modeling in Technology Adoption Decisions: The Case of Shuttle Train Elevators." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 87(4):1034-1045, November 2005.
Shultz, S. “Alternative Soil Productivity Measures to Equalize North Dakota Agricultural Taxes.” Journal of Property Tax Assessment and Administration, March 2005.
Shultz, S. “Evaluating the Acceptance of Wetland Easement Conservation Offers.” Review of Agricultural Economics 27(2), Summer 2005.
Shultz, S., and D. Pool. “The Impact of Combined Grass and Wetland Easements on Agricultural Land Values in South Dakota.” Journal of the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers, February 2005.
Skripnitchenko, A., and W. Koo. "U.S. Foreign Direct Investment in Food Processing Industries of Latin American Countries: A Dynamic Approach." Review of Agricultural Economics 27(3):394-401, 2005.
Tapasvi, D., D. Wiesenborn, and C. Gustafson. "Process Modeling Approach for Evaluating the Economic Feasibility of Biodiesel Production." Transactions of the ASABE 48(6):2215-2221, 2005.
Turvey, Calum, Cesar Escalante, and William Nganje. "Developments in Portfolio Management and Risk Programming Techniques for Agriculture." Agricultural Finance Review, Special Issue, Fall 2005.
Wachenheim, C.J. "Changing Consumer Perceptions about Genetically Modified Foods." Journal of Food Products Marketing 12(1):30-44, 2005.
Wachenheim, C.J. “Tips for Developing and Implementing an On-Line Course. Teaching Tips.” NACTA Journal 49(1), pp. 62-63, 2005.
Wilson, William W., and Bruce L. Dahl. “Costs and Risks of Testing and Segregating Genetically Modified Wheat.” Review of Agricultural Economics 27(2):212-228, 2005.
Wilson, William W., and Bruce L. Dahl. "Railcar Auctions for Grain Shipments: A Strategic Analysis." Journal of Agricultural & Food Industrial Organization 3(2), 2005.
Wilson, William W., Won W. Koo, Richard D. Taylor, and Bruce L. Dahl. "Long-term Forecasting of World Grain Trade and U.S. Gulf Exports." Transportation Research Record: Journal of Transportation Research Board, No. 1909, pp. 22-30, 2005.
Bangsund, Dean A., Nancy M. Hodur, and F. Larry Leistritz. “Agricultural and Recreational Impacts of the Conservation Reserve Program in North Dakota.” Journal of Environmental Management 71(2004):293-303.
Batabyal, A., and H. Beladi. “On the Tradeoff Between Cultural Sensitivity and Aggregate Size in Population Control Policy.” Applied Economics Letters 11(7):401-404, June 2004.
Batabyal, A., and H. Beladi. “Swidden Agriculture in Developing Countries.” Review of Development Economics 8(2), May 2004.
Batabyal, A., and H. Beladi. “Time Restrictions in Natural Resource Management: A Dynamic and Stochastic Analysis.” European Journal of Operational Research 157(3):775-783, September 2004.
Beladi, H., and R. Batra. “Traded and Non-traded Goods and Real Wages.” Review of Development Economics 8(1):February 2004.
Beladi, H., and S. Kar. “Skill Formation and International Migration: Welfare Perspectives of Developing Countries.” Japan and the World Economy 16(1):35-54, January 2004.
Beladi, H., A. Chakarbarati, and S. Marjit. “Trade and Wage Inequality in Developing Countries.” Economic Inquiry 42(2):295-303, April 2004.
Dahl, Bruce, W. Wilson, and D. Johnson. "Valuing New Varieties: Tradeoffs Between Growers and End-Users in Wheat." Review of Agricultural Economics 26(1):82-96, 2004.
Dahl, Bruce, William Wilson, and William Nganje. “Stochastic Dominance in Wheat Variety Development and Release Strategies.” Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 29(1):94-111, 2004.
DeVuyst, E.A., and A. D. Halvorson. 2004. “Economics of Annual Cropping Versus Crop-Fallow in Northern Great Plains as Influenced by Tillage and Nitrogen.” Agronomy Journal 96:148-153, 2004.
Flaskerud, George. "Thoughts on Implications of Brazilian Soybean Production on Selected States." Journal of the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers 2004:75-84.
Gustafson, Cole R. "Financial Analysis of Value-added Farm Activities." Agricultural Lender 8(5):10-11, 2004.
Gustafson, Cole R. “Rural Small Business Finance – Evidence from the 1998 Survey of Small Business Finances.” Agricultural Finance Review 64:33-44, 2004.
Hearne, Robert. "Evolving Water Management Institutions in Mexico." Water Resources Research 40(12), W12S04, December 2004.
Jin, Hyun J., and Darren L. Frechette. “A New T-test for the R/S Analysis and Long Memory in Agricultural Commodity Prices.” Applied Economics Letters 11(11):661-667, September 2004.
Jin, Hyun J., and Darren L. Frechette. "Fractional Integration in Agricultural Futures Price Volatilities." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 86(2):432, May 2004.
Jin, Hyun J., Guedae Cho, and Won W. Koo. "Third Country Effects on the Market Share of U.S. Wheat in Asian Countries." Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 36(3):797-813, December 2004.
Kim, MinKyoung, Gue Dae Cho, and Won W. Koo. "Does the Exchange Rate Matter to Agricultural Bilateral Trade between Canada and the U.S.?" Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 52(1):127-145, March 2004.
Koo, Won W., and Chin Chan Lee. "Policy Alternatives in Liberalizing the Korea Rice Industry under Globalization." Korean Journal of Agricultural Economics 45(3)2004:41-67.
Koo, Won W., and I.H. Uhm. "Trade Remedy Laws in the United States: Bilateral Grain Trade Disputes with Canada." North Dakota Law Review 79(2004):921-952.
Koo, Won W., and I. H. Uhm. "The Examination of the U.S. Trade Remedy Laws: Asymmetric Wheat Trade Flows Between the United States and Canada." International Trade Law 57(2004):46-85.
Leistritz, F. Larry, Dean A. Bangsund, and Nancy M. Hodur. "Assessing the Economic Impact of Invasive Weeds: The Case of Leafy Spurge (Euphorbia esula)." Weed Technology 18:1392-1395.
Lesch, William C., and Cheryl J. Wachenheim. "Chairperson Views on the Internationalization of Agricultural Economics Curricula at Land Grant Universities." NACTA Journal 48(1):11-21, March 2004.
Miljkovic, Dragan: "Agricultural Trade, Commodity Programs, and Income Protection in the United States," Journal of Policy Modeling (2004), 26, pp. 41-46.
Miljkovic, Dragan, John M. Marsh, and Gary W. Brester: "Effects of Japanese Import Demand on U.S. Livestock Prices: Reply," Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics (2004), 36(1), pp. 257-260.
Marjit, Sugata, Hamid Beladi, and Avik Chakrabarti. "Trade and Wage Inequality in Developing Countries." Economic Inquiry 42(2):295-303, April 2004.
Nganje, William E., Dean A. Bangsund, F. Larry Leistritz, William W. Wilson, and Napoleon M. Tiapo. “Regional Economic Impacts of Fusarium Head Blight in Wheat and Barley.” Review of Agricultural Economics 26(3):332-347, Fall 2004.
Park, Joon, and Won W. Koo. “An Economic Analysis of Ocean Freight Rates for Grain Shipments from the United States to Major Importing Countries.” Journal of the Transportation Research Forum 43(2): 85-100, 2004.
Sarmiento, C. "Modeling Firm Heterogeneity with Spatial Trends." Applied Economics Letters 11(5):271-274, April 2004.
Shultz, Steven, and Steve Taff. "Calculating Wetland Easement Payments with Alternative Land Value Data: A Case Study of the USFW Small Wetland Acquisition Program in the Prairie Pothole Region." Journal of Soil & Water Conservation 59(3):103-109.
Shultz, Steven, and Steve Taff. "Implicit Prices of Wetland Easements in Areas of Production Agriculture." Land Economics 80(4):501-512, November 2004.
Wachenheim, C.J. "Consumer Acceptance of Genetically Modified Food Products." AgBiotechNet Vol. 6, ABN 126, 1-6, 2004.
Wachenheim, C.J. "How an Online Course Compares to Its Classroom Counterpart: A Preliminary Investigation." NACTA Journal 48(4):20-26, December 2004.
Wachenheim, C.J., and W. C. Lesch. “U.S. Executives’ Views on International Agribusiness Education in the United States: An IAMA Membership Survey.” International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 7(1):42-59, 2004.
Wachenheim, C.J., and T. VanWechel. “The Influence of Environmental Impact Information on Consumer Willingness to Pay for Products Labeled as Free of Genetically Modified Ingredients.” Journal of Food Distribution Research 35(2):1-13, 2004 .
Wachenheim, C. J., J. W. Mattson, and W. Koo. “Canadian Exports of Livestock and Meat to the United States." Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 52(1):55-72, March 2004.
Wilson, William W., and Bruce L. Dahl. “Transparency and Bidding Competition in International Wheat Trade.” Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 52(1):89-105, March 2004.
Wilson, William W., Donald C. E. Carlson, and Bruce L. Dahl. "Logistics and Supply Chain Strategies in Grain Exporting." Agribusiness: An International Journal 20(4):449-465, Autumn 2004.
Beladi, H., and C.C. Chao. “The Role of Export Subsidies in Balance-of-Payments Crises.” European Journal of Political Economy 19:4(2003):875-884.
Beladi, H., and S. Marjit. “Possibility or Impossibility of Paradoxes in the Small Country Harris-Todaro Framework: A Unifying Analysis.” Journal of Development Economics 72(1):387-400, Oct. 2003.
Flaskerud, George, and Jean-Paul Nicoletti. “What French Farmers are Doing That May be of Interest to U.S. Farmers.” Journal of the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers, p. 19-25, 2003.
Gustafson, Cole R. “Biodiesel - An Industry Poised for Growth.” Choices, August 2003,
Gustafson, Cole R. “Costs of Producing for an Identity-Preserved (IP) Grain Market: A Case Study.” Journal of the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers, p. 64-73, 2003.
Gustafson, Cole R. “Online Assessment. The Value of a Friend’s Assistance.” National Association of Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Journal, p. 34-37, September 2003.
Jin, Hyun J., and Won W. Koo. “The BSE Effect on Japanese Meat Consumption: Nonparametric Tests for Stable Preference and Structural Change.” European Review of Agricultural Economics 30-2(2003):173-192.
Kaitibie, Simeon, Francis M. Epplin, B. Wade Brorsen, Gerald W. Horn, Eugene G. Krenzer, Jr., and Steven I. Paisley. "Optimal Stocking Density for Dual-purpose Winter Wheat Production." Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 35(April 2003):29-38.
Koo, Won W. “Alternative U.S. and EU Sugar Trade Liberalization Policies and Their Implications.” International Sugar Journal (2003) 105:1258.
Lambert, D., and W. Wilson. "Variety Values under Uncertain Quality." American Journal of Agricultural Economics Vol. 85(1) Feb. 2003, pp. 95-107.
Mullis, Ron, Richard Rathge, and Ann Mullis. “Predictors of Academic Performance During Early Adolescence: A Contextural View.” Journal of Behavioral Development 27(6):541-548, 2003.
Nganje, William, Demcey Johnson. "Economic Impact of Fusarium Head Blight in Malting Barley: Blending Margins and Firm-Level Risk." Current Agriculture, Food & Resource Issues, A Journal of the Canadian Agricultural Economics Society, No. 4, p. 16-26, 2003.
Nganje, William, William W. Wilson, and James Nolan. “Terrorism and the Grain Handling System in Canada and the United States.” Current Agriculture, Food & Resource Issues, A Journal of the Canadian Agricultural Economics Society, December 2003.
Shultz, S. “Quantifying Wetland Restoration and Impoundment Costs: Facing Reality.” North Dakota Water 11(7) (September 2003).
Shultz, S., and J. Leitch. “The Feasibility of Restoring Previously Drained Wetlands to Reduce Flood Damage.” Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 58(1):21-29, 2003.
Wachenheim, C. J., and D. M. Saxowsky. "Profits and Risk: Fitting an Old Framework to a New Agriculture.” Journal of the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers, 66(1):119-128, 2003.
Wilson, William W., Edward L. Janzen, and Bruce L. Dahl. "Issues in Development and Adoption of Genetically Modified (GM) Wheats." AgBioForum 6(3):1-12, 2003.
Cho, Guedae, Ian M. Sheldon, and Steve McCorriston. “Exchange Rate Uncertainty and Agricultural Trade.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 84:931-942, November 2002.
Cochran, Carole, Gemma D. Skillman, Richard W. Rathge, Kathy Moore, Janet Johnston, and Ann Lochner. “A Rural Road: Exploring Opportunities, Networks, Services, and Supports that Affect Rural Families.” Child Welfare Journal 81(5):1-13, 2002.
Curtis, R., and C. Sarmiento. “Identifying Economies of Scope in a Stochastic Production Environment.” Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 82(2002):257-267.
Flaskerud, George K., William W. Wilson, and Bruce L. Dahl. "Managing Canola Price Risk." Journal of the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers, 2002, p. 53-63.
Frechette, Darren L., and Hyun J. Jin. "Distinguishing Transitory Nonlinear Shocks from Permanent Structural Change." Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 13(2002):231-248.
Gustafson, Cole R. "Transforming Extension as the Agricultural Sector Changes." Journal of Extension 40(1), February 2002,
Hearne, R., and Z. Salinas. "The Use of Choice Experiments in the Analysis of Tourist Preferences for Ecotourism Development in Costa Rica." Journal of Environmental Management 65(2):153-163, 2002.
Jung, Jione, and Won W. Koo. “Demand for Meat and Fish in Korea.” Journal of Rural Development 25:2, 2002.
Kaitibie, Simeon, Francis M. Epplin, Eugene G. Krenzer, Jr., and Hailin Zhang. "Economics of Lime and Phosphorus Application for Dual-purpose Winter Wheat Production in Low-pH Soils." Agronomy Journal 94(September 2002):1139-1145.
Koo, Won W. “Alternative U.S. and EU Sugar Trade Liberalization Policies and Their Implications.” Reveiw of Agricultural Economics 24(2):336-352(17), March 2002.
Leistritz, F. Larry, and Kenneth A. Root. "Rural Community Response to Closure or Downsizing of a Major Employer." Rural America 16(4):30-38, Winter 2002.
Leistritz, F. Larry, Nancy M. Hodur, and Dean A. Bangsund. "Socioeconomic Impacts of the Conservation Reserve Program in North Dakota." Rural America 17(3):57-65, Fall 2002.
Leistritz, F. Larry, Jay A. Leitch, and Dean A. Bangsund. "Regional Economic Impacts of Water Management Alternatives: The Case of Devils Lake, North Dakota, USA." Journal of Environmental Management 66:465-473, 2002.
Marchant, M., D. Cornell, and W. Koo. "International Trade and Foreign Direct Investment: Substitute or Complements?" Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 34(2):289-302, 2002.
Nganje, William. "A Framework for Analyzing Economic Effectiveness of HACCP." Journal of Food Control, The HACCP Journal, 2002.
Nganje, William, Erick Schuck, and Charles Okibo. "An Economic Analysis of Information, Education, and Communication, (IEH) in Adoption of Slash and Burn Agriculture." Journal of African Communication and Development 4(1)(Winter):136-158, 2002.
Nganje, William, Frayne Olson, Brad Steifel, and William Nelson. "Financial Allocation Strategy for New Generation Cooperatives." Journal of Cooperative Accounting LV(3):39-47, Fall 2002.
Rathge, Richard W., and John E. Monzingo. “North Dakota’s 2001 Apportionment: Opportunities and Challenges.” North Dakota Law Review 77(4):696-709, 2002.
Schuck, Eric, William Nganje, and Yantio Debazo. "The Role of Land Tenure and Extension Education in the Adoption of Slash and Burn Agriculture." Journal of Ecological Economics 43(1):61-70, December 2002.
Shultz, S., and M. Kjelland. "Estimating Watershed Level Flood Damage in the Red River Valley of the North. Natural Hazards Review 3(1):4-11.
Wachenheim, Cheryl J., and William C. Lesch. "Assessing New Graduate Applicants: Academic Perceptions and Agribusiness Realities." Journal of Agribusiness, pp. 163-173, Fall 2002.
Wachenheim, Cheryl J., and William C. Lesch. "Public Views on Family and Corporate Farms." Journal of Agricultural & Food Information 4(2):43-60, 2002.
Wachenheim, Cheryl J., and Richard Rathge. "Residence and Farm Experience Influence Perception of Agriculture: A Survey of North Central Residents." Rural America 16(4):18-29, Winter 2002.
Bangsund, Dean A., Dan J. Nudell, Randall S. Sell, and F. Larry Leistritz. "Economic Analysis of Using Sheep to Control Leafy Spurge." Journal of Range Management 54:322-329, July 2001.
Bhuyan, Sanjib, and F. Larry Leistritz. "An Examination of Characteristics and Determinants of Success of Cooperatives in the Non-Agricultural Sectors." Journal of Cooperatives Vol. 16, p. 46-62, 2001.
DeVuyst, E. A., D. Johnson, and W. Nganje. "Representations of Multi-attribute Grain Quality." Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 26(1)(July):275-290.
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Wilson, William W., and Matthew Diersen. "Competitive Bidding on Import Tenders: The Case of Minor Oilseeds." Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 26(1):142-157, 2001.
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Wilson, William W., and Bruce L. Dahl. "Logistical Strategies and Risks in Canadian Grain Marketing." Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 48(2000):141-160.
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Bangsund, D., F.L. Leistritz, and J.A. Leitch. “Assessing Economic Impacts of Biological Control of Weeds: The Case of Leafy Spurge in the Northern Great Plains of the United States.” Journal of Environmental Management 56(1999):35-43.
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