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Agricultural Education

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If you want to work with people and help others learn more about agriculture, food production, and natural resources, then a degree in Agricultural Education is right for you. There are two pathways and plans of study for the undergraduate degree in Agricultural Education and Master's degree options to meet your needs. 

Undergraduate Programs in Agricultural Education

Ag Ed Major

Ag Ed Major Programs of Study

  • Teacher Licensure is Pathway A and prepares candidates to teach at the middle and high school levels. North Dakota State University is designated by the State Board of Career and Technical Education as the North Dakota institution for preparing teachers of agricultural education.
  • Training and Development is Pathway B and prepares candidates to work in a wide variety of educational settings in agriculture outside of a school environment including Extension, non-profit organizations, advocacy organizations, and corporate training. 

Agricultural Sciences Major

Graduate Programs in Agricultural Education (M.S./M.Ed.)

Ag Ed (Master's)

Ag Ed (Master's) Program of Study

You can earn a Master's degree in Agricultural Education at NDSU completely from a distance. 

  • Our traditional Agricultural Education M.S./M.Ed. plan of study is designed primarily for those current educators seeking personal and professional advancement. Coursework is delivered in synchronous and asynchronous formats year-round allowing you to earn your degree in a timely manner. 
  • Our Teacher Licensure Option (Ag Ed TLO) M.Ed. degree plan is designed for those who may be switching careers to the Agricultural Education classroom at the secondary level and seeking teacher licensure. One of the primary application requirements for the TLO is a Bachelor's degree in an agriculture content area. Contact an Ag Ed faculty member for more information. 

Alternative Access Pathways to Agricultural Education Teacher Licensure

Are you looking to become a licensed Agriculture Teacher? We have options for you, including our Ag Ed TLO (M.Ed.), our Practitioner Preparation (P2) Program, and other options depending on your needs. We're excited to help you change lives through Ag Ed! For more information, contact Dr. Brooke Thiel (  
